Explosion Guy


Aug 3, 2003
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I made about 60-70 of these when I was like 15, about 6-7 years ago. This was before I had seen stick death or even the internet. Man, I was messed up. Pretty funny though :p I scanned 5 and touched em up.






Also, please know I just scanned the first page of my book. These aren't necessarily the funniest :)
I think the drill one and the fall V one were somwhat bad. I realy liked the 1st one, and the last one reminded me of a episode of the simpsons where Homer is the monorail conductor guy.
Someone like me ;(

Hey, was it you who did that pillar man thing? That owned so hard.

One word... crazy...

Can I ask why?
Druckles said:

One word... crazy...

Can I ask why?

I was just bored... And I started thinking of interesting ways to blow up this stick guy.. Hence Explosion Guy.... and it expanded into other forms of mutilation... :rolleyes:
Haha, amazing. I used to do f'ed up comics when I was really young aswell.
I tend to do evil things to anything I can draw :rolleyes:
Voilence isn't funny anymore... Unless of course the way it is pulled off is actually funny. Having a block of spikes falling on someone isn't funny..
I used to draw gory comics.. But I atleast TRIED to give them some sort of comedic twist..

Did you really do pillar man? That was very funny.

EDIT: You made these when you were 15!?
Whaaat? Usually people at that age have long developed a more mature sense of comedy.. I made my gory comics when I was like 9 :|

Oh well.. I don't mean to be harsh. I just feel I need to say that.
pillar man is brilliant. Dunno bout that other one though.. a bit wierd.
I think its all pretty funny. I dont care what age you are.