Explosions in the Sky


Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I know you guys have talked about this band before, but I never really looked into it...

Until a few minutes ago I finally decided to check them out and....

I'm floored. It's so beautiful. It's the sort of emotion that isn't normally conveyed by a conventional band.

There had better be a music store around here that carries them.
Yeah 'The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place' is great. One of my fav albums, well up there for instrumental stuff thats for sure.
I have a few of their CDs, and yeah, they're enjoyable.
Only thing I don't got is their downloadable album, The Rescue.

Great band.
Yep, they're my favorite band. I love 'em. My favorite songs have to be... The Only Moment We Were Alone, Yasmin the Light, and Your Hand in Mine. The Moon Is Down is also rather good. So are "Time Stops" and "Glittering Blackness."

And... they have at least one song from each album up for download off their website: http://explosionsinthesky.com/

I think they have Yasmin the Light up. It's really good. They also have Your Hand in Mine up. :D They also have all of The Rescue up...

Also... can't wait for their new album, and then hopefully they'll put on some live shows again.

Also... they allow people to put up live recordings here on the Live Music Archive... click here. The Houston show sounded good, and they played a new song there. The Austin show also has the new song, but there's a bit of crowd noise, and people were clapping along to The Only Moment.. which is kind of weird.
Heh, boring. I was disappointed after hearing all the hype, but to each their own.
Alot of people I know have called them boring, as they think it's just alot of repetation over and over with some gradual build ups. In all fairness, it is, but it does something to me. I hear so much more than that. I find it beautiful. Every peice of work they have done. I love it. The Earth Is... is just... stunning.

(Not getting at you by the way, Plo. )

EDIT: Like I've said a few times, Explosions are a great 'out and about on a walk' kind of band. Now its Auterm, I suggest you all stick some on you're MP3 players/whatever and go for a walk someplace like a forest/woods or something. S'amazing, maaaan.
Well for the record, the repetition doesn't get to me. I like bands which use that in their songs as long as I like what they are repeating, (Isis, Neurosis, Pelican, Red Sparrowes). I guess I just dont like alot of clean guitars. :p, Cheers anyway.
OOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMVVVVVVVV! You're a Isis, Pelican, Neurosis and Red Sparowes fan!? :D :D :D Yaaaay. See my sig, Celestial by Isis is one of my all time favourite albums. Got love for my post-metal music.
Nice, \m/ :D. The Oceanic is my fav of theirs.

Yeah, Oceanic is stunning aswell. I love how it gives such a great watery effect to the music through tracks like (untitled) and Maritime. Have you heard the new album, In The Absence of Truth, or the song Dulcinea, yet?
They're a great band to listen to when you have a headache, or just want to chill out and listen to relaxing music.
Keep meaning to check these guys out, which album d'you guys recommend is a good starting point?
I'd say The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place, to be honest. But you can download The Rescue from their website, so that'd be a good place to start as... well, it's free.
Your logic is flawless, the Rescue it shall be :p

For anyone else who's heard it, do you think it's up to the standards of their other stuff, being free?
Russian Circles is also good, their album 'Enter' is pretty damn awesome.
Your logic is flawless, the Rescue it shall be :p

For anyone else who's heard it, do you think it's up to the standards of their other stuff, being free?

Not really... each song on The Rescue was written/recorded in a single day (hence the song names Day 1, Day 2, ...).

I'd suggest getting Your Hand in Mine off their website as your first listen (Albums -> The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place). Then, after that, I'd say download Yasmin the Light (on Those Who Tell the Truth...).

I do like The Rescue though, it's just that those tunes are not as fully fleshed out as their other music.

On a somewhat unrelated note.... has anyone else heard of Sparrows Swarm and Sing. Their O Shenandoah.. album is really quite awesome.
Yeah, Oceanic is stunning aswell. I love how it gives such a great watery effect to the music through tracks like (untitled) and Maritime. Have you heard the new album, In The Absence of Truth, or the song Dulcinea, yet?

Indeed, I have heard the whole thing. Its weird and different, so I'm still adjusting to it, just like I did with panopticon.
Thanks for the post, I d/led Rescue and it turned out to be quite helpful in me writing some English prose drafts for homework :)

Probably gonna pick up Earth is a Cold Dead Place tomorrow if my local store has it (if not, one of their other albums)
Already got Your Hand in Mine and Yasmin... from their site, both are pretty cool but it sounds like a band that takes some adjusting to. Still I'm liking em, so an album purchase shall be in order as soon as I have money/can find one.
Explosions in the Sky is an amazing group - I'm glad there's people with decent musical tastes here ;)
So um... *bump*

These guys freakin rock. That is all.
I downloaded all of their stuff. Literally everything, but i'm not getting it. It's very chilled out, and sometimes vocal-less (from The Rescue), i prefer the older stuff more, but it's not something i can get excited about at all.