extending walls


Jun 21, 2007
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hello all i hope your all well, i was just wondering how do i extend an existing wall to make it longer? also how do i do kinda the same thing to make the ceiling taller? in hammer? any help would be great
Click on the brush until it's red and looks like this:


Then use the little boxes (0s) to manipulate it to your desired shape.
Perhaps you should read some basic Hammer tutorials before you dive right in and have a million questions on basic usage to ask.
Perhaps you should read some basic Hammer tutorials before you dive right in and have a million questions on basic usage to ask.

i have read a bunch but none of them explained how to extend walls, but i got it figure out in the end, now i just got to fix the skybox and im set thanks for all the help
If you know how to use the brush tool you should be able to "extend walls" just fine.

Or the vertex manipulation tool even.
damn that was the first thing I learned in hammer years ago for hl1 ofcourse after I created a brush :)
One of the things I never realized until waaaay later into mapping with Hammer is that each face of the brush could be individually textured.

Yes, you can imagine the terribly complex workarounds I managed to come up with.
Oh lulz Pesh.

How could you not have figured that out while you were customizing texture sizes/rotation and such?
One of the things I never realized until waaaay later into mapping with Hammer is that each face of the brush could be individually textured.

Would you care to explain how that's done?

God damnit people, find some proper tutorials. Even the official one that came with WorldCraft for HL1 will suffice, it's no different besides some advanced features liketeraforming.
There's no need to be so unhelpful.
I've looked in the Worldcraft guide and on the internet and obviously I counld't find what I was looking for, hence my request for some help.
I thought I was being helpful by telling you to look up official guides.

It's how I learned to map anyway. That and experimentation.

But I'll be your version of helpful and write a little guide:


Here we have a little room and a box thing in it. All default texture.

Select the texture tool (Shift-A) on the left toolbar.

A dialog will open. You will be working with the 3D view so adjust your views accordingly and have the dialog box in a good spot.


You select faces with left click in the 3d view. Selected faces will have a red tint. Hold control to select multiple faces. Hold shift to select an entire brush.

Select a texture with the Browse button. Apply the texture to the selected face(s) with the Apply button.


With a face or faces selected you can change its scale and rotation. By default, all textures are .25 scale. Textures in hl2 are 4 times larger than they should be scaled to. In other words, if you applied a door texture at 1.0 scale it would be way too large to be any normal door.

You can also shift the positioning of the texture, or use the justify buttons for convenient positioning. The Fit button will stretch the texture to fit the face. The Treat as one checkbox will make multiple selected faces treated as one face when you use Justify buttons.

A useful key to be using while you're texturing things instead of switching to the camera tool to move around all the time is to press Z. This gives you a fps noclip sort of control over the 3d view, using WASD to move. Left clicking and using shift and control all work the same. Press Z to cancel this mode.

And that's just about it.
Can?t believe it, people already knows how to use complex hammer tools but they are missing the primitive ones, is not your bad, guys (i think) and i hope im not missing things such these :D
Hammer doesn't get that complex :|
I know, but since they didnt know how to resize a solid, or apply a texture to an individual surface, it can be translated in two things: or they are beginers or... i dont know how to end the sentence LOL
Picture of Jesus riding a dinosaur would've sufficed.
I thought I was being helpful by telling you to look up official guides.

It's how I learned to map anyway. That and experimentation.

But I'll be your version of helpful and write a little guide:

Here we have a little room and a box thing in it. All default texture.

Select the texture tool (Shift-A) on the left toolbar.

A dialog will open. You will be working with the 3D view so adjust your views accordingly and have the dialog box in a good spot.

You select faces with left click in the 3d view. Selected faces will have a red tint. Hold control to select multiple faces. Hold shift to select an entire brush.

Thanks a bunch for that Vegeta897.
Oh I almost forgot, right clicking on a face will apply the selected texture to that face.

And that mode thing, when it's on "lift and select" that means a left click on a face will grab the texture and its properties from the face you select, and also select the face. You can change this to suit certain situations depending on what you need.

So like, if you happen across a room where you forgot to texture one of the walls, you can have it set to lift and select to grab the texture from an already textured wall and then right click on the untextured one to apply it.