Extra $50!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, a few days ago I made a thread asking whether or not $50 for a DS was a good deal, you all said yes, so I was gonna buy it, then The kid tells me he'll sell it for $100, so I said Screw you...

Now I got $50 and I wanna buy a game, I'm not buying any game past 2004, My graphics card is a peice of flaming crap, so what's a good game to buy that was made in the year 2002-2004 for the computer thats fun?

I was considering B&W 1, but reviews on the web say it's got no story, and it gets boring fast, so If I can't decide on which game i'll buy, I'll buy B&W 1.

I would buy a PS2 game, but my PS2 is sooooooo dirty (I bought it when PS2 first came out) it doesn't even read discs anymore... So I'm limited to computer games...
Jump of a bridge...now.

Black and White 1 was an awsome game. I loved it.It does get a bit repetetive but its still fun.
Maybe I'll Buy Black And White, Oh and BTW Glirk, Your Post Count...

Da-Muffin-Man said:
Hes like the 2nd or 3rd person this week to get the post count of 666
:O its a sign of the apocalisp!!!

o btw
BUY UT 2004!!!
not quite 2002-2004 but system shock 2 is a good fps/rpg, and your have some money left to buy us a round of muffins!
Is system shock 2 kinda like an RPG like Deus Ex type of thing, cuz I like the concept of deus ex, but its too closed in for an RPG..
Yeah it is. I played it and got stuck and wadered for 2 hours and gave up. I then tried co op on my network and found out my network blows. 10 hours of fixing it the comps are able to connect and join games except 2 mins in the other comp always freezes. I hate life.
Dog-- said:
Is system shock 2 kinda like an RPG

yep, very good game, scared the shit out of me few times. I think you should get the texture update for it as well, speaks for its self. Its Rebirth_Beta 1 or something alike.

Glirk Dient said:
Yeah it is. I played it and got stuck and wadered for 2 hours and gave up. I then tried co op on my network and found out my network blows. 10 hours of fixing it the comps are able to connect and join games except 2 mins in the other comp always freezes. I hate life.

Did you try using Hamach? It creates VPN's over the net, very useful.
I might be able to buy B&W AND System Shock 2, They are both old, I might be able to get them both for $50 at EB games!

just steal them and you get the games for free and keep the 50 bucks :thumbs:
Warning... B&W is extremely buggy. Thats what made me play it for so long.
I Called the EB games by my house, they don't have either game, so I'm thinking of buying B&W 2, Will I be able to run it on my system?

My system runs BF2 at low-medium everything, I don't know if that will help...
Call of Duty 2, almost any computer can run it on max
Dalamari said:
Call of Duty 2, almost any computer can run it on max
The amount of sarcasm of that post can fill 12 swimming pools :/
WTF is wrong with me, Now I'm wondering if I should get FEAR (I can run it on low-medium Graphics) OR B&W2 (Still don't know about the graphics in this one)

Some one please answer this question, I'm going tomarrow to get one of these games, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

FEAR OR B&W2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beerdude26 said:
The amount of sarcasm of that post can fill 12 swimming pools :/

Nah it's true, just in the options stick on "Force DirectX 7", it doesn't have fancy bump mapping but it still looks great and runs as good as the orignal.
Dog-- said:
WTF is wrong with me, Now I'm wondering if I should get FEAR (I can run it on low-medium Graphics) OR B&W2 (Still don't know about the graphics in this one)

Some one please answer this question, I'm going tomarrow to get one of these games, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

FEAR OR B&W2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B&W2 will kick your computer's ass.
JiMmEh said:
Nah it's true, just in the options stick on "Force DirectX 7", it doesn't have fancy bump mapping but it still looks great and runs as good as the orignal.
Yeah, but that's DX7 maximum, not DX9 maximum :p

Oh, and I'd go for F.E.A.R. Great game, great story, great action, great FPS (Frames Per Second, not the First Person Shooter, although it's that too :p) and slow-motion multiplayer. Can life become any better? \0/
Aye, true Beerdude ;) CoD2's DX9 performance is absolute cack.

I would reccomend F.E.A.R too from the demo alone, but I don't think an FX5600 would be up to the challenge?
You can run B&W2. Between F.E.A.R. and B&W2, I'd just go for B&W2. F.E.A.R. was an extremely awesome game too though.
Dont buy FEAR, i have it running on mostly low settings and it looks like shit. Ive played a few levels of it and i stopped. Il start playing it again when i get my new comp so i can max all the stuff out.
Ok, Now we have established that B&W2 is a better game (I think their both good, but apperently B&W2 is better, according to Bam23 FEAR will kick my computers ass) So, Which one will run better?

From what Yous is tellin me. Fear is gonna run like crap on my computer.... but will B&W2 run any better on my computer?

Oh ya and Beerdude, I got dial-up so no Multiplayer for me...

It looks like B&W2 is gonna win but I want the better one for my comp, I guess the question now is: Which one will run better on my computer, BW2 or FEAR?
If you are considering buying a game. And you are the slightest into action or adventure. Buy, and I really mean BUY Beyond Good And Evil and/or metal gear solid 1. Really nice games and you can get them for about 10$ each.(Those two good games in my opinion, is worht much much more) So you can buy both games and still have 30$ left. Is that just cool or what? BTW, if you buy them both at the same time. Don´t rush through those games, they really deserves to be fully experienced!
Pfft, just download pc games off a torrent site...
Save your money for hardware upgrades...or pants...can't have too many pairs of pants...
Idonotbelonghere said:
Pfft, just download pc games off a torrent site...
Save your money for hardware upgrades...or pants...can't have too many pairs of pants...
This man speaks the truth..

It's a great game, stilll buggay though. Patch it.
Ok, First of all, I have MGS1 for PS1, I play it on my PS2, I don't really like Beyond Good and Evil, I don't know why, I just don't.

Second Of all, I used to download games like crazy, But since I moved a year ago I can't DL games because I can only get dial-up out here (Rural Area)

Third of all, I Couldn't buy B&W2 or FEAR because I only had $50 and those were $60, But I did buy 2 used games for $50.23.

1) Star Wars: Rebublic Commando - $26.99
2) Unreal Tournament 2004 (DVD Edition) - $24.99

Star Wars: Rebublic Commando is a kick ass game, It's really cool to have your HUD as the storm trooper helmet thing, I love the squad thing, The whole game kicks ass.

Unreal Tournament 2004 is.. well... Unreal tournament.. The game is the same old thing, but I don't mind it, I love unreal tourney.

So both of the games I bought kick ass and I'm off to play Rebublic Commando!
Dalamari said:
Call of Duty 2, almost any computer can run it on max


The demo ran five times worst than lost coast for me...