Extracting Defeat Music


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone know if there's a way to extract the defeat or victory music from the game? Because I think that the defeat music for the MEC is really cool, but then ends abruptly and annoyingly. I'd love to maybe expand on it in a song or something, so I need the audio clip. Thanks.
I, from my not so great knowledge, would say that it is not possible to extract it. However, it wouldn't be hard at all just to record it with an application. Any recording program works, just set the input to Stereo Mix. (What sounds your computer is playing)

I'd be interested to hear your song :)
It should be possible, its possible, in NFSU, and NFSU2, just need a program : p

NonStopableForce said:
It should be possible, its possible, in NFSU, and NFSU2, just need a program : p

Well, yes, that's what I meant: No program currently available can do this... yet.
ah. That's what I was asking.
And as to the song- obviously nothing's for certain yet. I just really like the sound clip. However, I think I could pull it off pretty well. I mean, my dad has an entire home music studio, and (brag warning) I happen to be one of the leaders of the BHS choir, which was ranked as the best in the entire eastern 13 states of the US. But yeah, I just want to give it a shot.
Sure you can perform but can you... Create

Err, don't listen to me, I have no idea what I am talking about.
no, actually, that's a valid point. And the answer is: I have no idea. But I guess I'll find out.
Hey JNightshade, what state/city are you from? Im just curious because you said somethin about BHS choir.
Hey yeah, I just found out how to get the music. Go into your BF2 folder, then open Client_common.zip. Then, go into the sounds file, then Menu, then music. It should be there. Oh yeah, and if your go into the English voices, you can find a sound file that says "enemy wheel barrow spotted". I found the wheelbarrow thing on the Got Frag Forms.
the very beginning of the MEC defeat sounds very familiar to me, is that to anyone else?
It sounds like the kind of music I make when I pick up a guitar and pluck random strings.
personally i think the music in BF2 is extremely lame. weakest part of the whole product (apart from the server browser)
Speaking of such does anyone know where or how to get the themes from HL2?????
Get a program called GCFScape. Then go into the Source Sounds file, i think...they should be there. There are other threads on that, if you search.
lemonfridge said:
personally i think the music in BF2 is extremely lame. weakest part of the whole product (apart from the server browser)

I'm still waiting for the full version of that BF1942 remix we hear part of in the end of the intro.

You could hear about 30 seconds of it in that BFCON video so don't tell me there isn't a full version out there. :E