I'm pretty sure this program hasn't been discussed here yet, so here it is - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2668560761490749816&q=Dispatches
It's about Saudi-funded Mosques preaching hatred, misogyny and extremism, and how these things have found their way into Britain's most "mainstream" Mosque, the London Central Mosque. Quite disturbing. They go undercover, and when the Imams don't know they're talking to a kuffar(disbeliever), they let their guards down and show their true ideological faces.
It's about Saudi-funded Mosques preaching hatred, misogyny and extremism, and how these things have found their way into Britain's most "mainstream" Mosque, the London Central Mosque. Quite disturbing. They go undercover, and when the Imams don't know they're talking to a kuffar(disbeliever), they let their guards down and show their true ideological faces.