F.E.A.R: Perseus Mandate level problem


Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, was playing through the new F.E.A.R game and at the beginning of one of the levels (I forget the name but it starts off with you jumping into a room that looks to be a cinema) everything is black. Flashlight has no effect but I can still see my guns and bullets. Has anyone heard of this happening? I really would like to finish the game but can't see a thing. :(
So I'll take it no body has heard of this issue...
From what I've played so far it is ok. Looks a lot more awesome on my new computer then on my laptop. I still think that a rating of 5.5 is a bit too low for it though =/
I'm just really wanting to know how it ends :(
sounds like either the level has not loaded properly, or it has had a graphics crash, which reloading usually fixes.

This game does not deserve the shitty ratings it got, it`s every bit as good as the original F.E.A.R. with a lot more mind ****ing scares as well.

I`m on Interval 7 at the moment.
I have no idea what the problem is but you're not missing much anyway. That game is no where near as good as FEAR.