

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
This is a little mini-rant from myself...

We are here to critique/comment on your models [and for general modeling discussion], not hold your hand through making/rendering it.

God forsaw the need for people to gain information about the software program that they are using. Thus he/she/it created "F1."

F1 is the shortvut for the help file. And yes, even your illegally pirated version of 3dsmax (example) has help files. Use them!

Also, before you ask fror help, compelte the provided tutorials. They are generally helpful in guiding you in the basics.... they were provided for a reason.

*Gasp* What? Your illegal version of 3DSMax doesn't have tutorials? They are generally downloadable from the developer's site (www.softimage.com, www.discreet.com, etc). Failing that, there is a stickied posts with links to tutorials at the top of this forum. work through some of them before asking questions!

You still have a question after working threw tutorials on the basics? press the magical F1 key! I guerentee that the answer to your problem is proberly in there, and often quite easily accessed.

So, now, as I take a break, I'll kindly remind you to use F1.

Thank You.
SidewinderX143 said:
*Gasp* What? Your illegal version of 3DSMax doesn't have tutorials? They are generally downloadable from the developer's site (www.softimage.com, www.discreet.com, etc). Failing that, there is a stickied posts with links to tutorials at the top of this forum. work through some of them before asking questions!


my illegal verson of maz has tutorials ! :naughty:


but i do get what your saying there.
i think thats why no one asks for help from you sidewinder. not to mention, its not like this is just a place to show people your models, its also for general discussion. i agree though that no one shoul djust come and ask how to model. theres a reason for the "tutorials" sticky
Heh, funneh..

Threads where you show your WIP and ask for crits are allright though?
If they're not, they should be :)


ps. I don't believe in god.. :P

Nah, I've switched to the legal XSI|EXP ^^
Yea i see your point sidewinder nice thread...BUT..And its a Big but when people display there models for in game purposes..the amount of nit picking that goes on for an ingame model is a bit over the top. I understand people wanting to get there work as good as they can get it, No problem.
Then you get people who come here never modeled in there life slag it then dont come back for a month..!

Keep up the good work :)
side winder if your lazy thats alright, but most people post specific questions, that most tutorials dont cover. I like to help people out, maybe you dont thats cool. Just dont get upset about it.

Moderation powers change people
lol, well i definatley see his point. personally i like to give advice and help to people but it does get a little aggravating when someone asks a question that anyone who paid 3000+ (max specific) for their software should know already. So it's more likely that if they are asking complete nub questions that they pirated it and for those of who do pay it raises the cost of our software. Very annoying.

On top of that theres a difference between C&C and holdng someones hands. I guess it all boils down to RTFM and PEBKAC (god i love PEBKAC)
gh0st: I agree, i'll edit my original post and add general modeling discussion to that, my apologies for that.
Sorze: Of course wip threads are all right, that's one of the major functions of these forums!
GOoch: Yeah I agree that some people, including myself, overcrit models, but the main gist of my post that these forums aren't to teach you how to model from the ground up.

waedoe: I think you are mixed up.... I'd consider the person who posts on forums asking how to put a light a scene lazier than I am.
Also, I never said specific questions were bad, however, most of these questins could easily be answered by searching the help files.

And I'm not sure what you mena by moderation powers changing me.... I rant similarly on forums where i'm alowly member....
but the main gist of my post that these forums aren't to teach you how to model from the ground up. ..

Yep m8 fair comment. :)
there's also borderline discussion,,, like what's more efficient?

here's an example, I heard Ngon's are really bad for high detail models but in the article it doesn't say why...
GOoch said:
Yea i see your point sidewinder nice thread...BUT..And its a Big but when people display there models for in game purposes..the amount of nit picking that goes on for an ingame model is a bit over the top. I understand people wanting to get there work as good as they can get it, No problem.
Then you get people who come here never modeled in there life slag it then dont come back for a month..!

Keep up the good work :)

i think its great people pic at models so much. it only makes improvements
personally i like to give advice and help to people but it does get a little aggravating when someone asks a question that anyone who paid 3000+ (max specific) for their software should know already.

just one question there Why would the manufacturers spend so much time acctualy makeing very standard basic (no idea what Max is all about) tutorials.!
Basicley what im saying is the tuts are made in such a way, So that an oporator with no idea how to model gets a very go insight into the modeling world from these tuts.!

think about it like this if youve spent a while on a model your thrilled as how its turned out, Your thinking to your self YES i can acctualy do this.
You post your work on here and have it ripped to peaces by people who realy couldnt do a better job them selfs. And all they want to do is point out the littlest detail when it wont even be seen ingame.

I here what your saying m8 about it only makeing improvements to the person whos posted. so he or she can go back and say yea i could have done that better.

Hehehe also m8 thanx for your help in the past, and every one whos helped me out ;)
We are here to help you.... we just aren't here to teach you from the groud up.
Glad to hear it.
but think about it some questions that mite seen realy shite to the more experienced amoungst us mite seem like rocket sience to others.

some times after looking at something for a fiew hours dose your head in. Take a break and ask on here that normaly sorts the problem out.

thats just how i work. or look at other tutes or the help
GOoch said:
think about it like this if youve spent a while on a model your thrilled as how its turned out, Your thinking to your self YES i can acctualy do this.
You post your work on here and have it ripped to peaces by people who realy couldnt do a better job them selfs. And all they want to do is point out the littlest detail when it wont even be seen ingame.

I here what your saying m8 about it only makeing improvements to the person whos posted. so he or she can go back and say yea i could have done that better.

Hehehe also m8 thanx for your help in the past, and every one whos helped me out ;)

models dont get "ripped to pieces" people say " ohh it looks abit thin here" or try changing the polly distrobution here and there as it will make the mesh flow better. but i have asked questions i dont see the harm on asking a question but there is a different between a question and somthing like "i have had max for a week can someone teach me how to model"