Fable 1.5, YES PLEASE (xbox live update anyone)


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
omg... what a godsent that would be

observe (i'd even pay for that update to xbl (upwards of 20 dollars maybe even)
----------------------------------- Kikizo Article below

"Fable 1.5

The excitement didn't end with discussions about Dimitri.

In fact, we also caught wind of a Fable follow-up, which we can reveal is known as Fable 1.5, and began development before Fable went gold a couple of weeks ago.

Lionhead's PR people were quick to point out that Fable 1.5 is "unconfirmed" - but according to Big Blue Box staff, it's entirely real.

We don't know much about what Fable 1.5 actually is, but one can guess it's an update of some kind, as opposed to a full-on sequel (as Peter put it in our first video interview with him, the sequel would need to be as "fresh and original" as the first game).

In fact, it was when discussing the possibility of downloadable content for Fable, that a Lionhead designer mentioned the arousing existence of Fable 1.5 - suggesting it could be an Xbox Live update - though we wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being the long-rumoured PC version of the game either.

And obviously, we wouldn't be surprised to see a full-on Fable 2 at some stage either. After all, there's always Peter's comment from our first interview to consider: "If we were thinking about a sequel... then co-op play and online would be one of things we'd think of putting in there."

And no, none of this relates to the censored portion of the second interview... that, we really can't talk about - Lionhead said so.

Stay tuned for our verdict on Fable as the game nears release, and see our in-depth hands-on with the near-final game if you missed it." -Copyright Kikizo.com
http://games.kikizo.com/news/200409/004.asp?f=004.asp <----- full article / interviews link
I hear Fable actually isn't capable of downloadable content. It's only Xbox aware. In the credits it says, "Last feature implemented" or something...and it's Xbox Live Aware. So you can only see friends online and they can see you playing Fable.

EDIT: I wonder how they'll release it. I hope it's cheap :P
AmishSlayer said:
I hear Fable actually isn't capable of downloadable content. It's only Xbox aware. In the credits it says, "Last feature implemented" or something...and it's Xbox Live Aware. So you can only see friends online and they can see you playing Fable.

EDIT: I wonder how they'll release it. I hope it's cheap :P
Every game can have content downloaded to it I think.
xbox hardrive + live = any game can be tampered with.. it's amazing actually.. fable wasent even designed for content addition but in theory it's entirely possible :) and just because it's live aware :) an update to the xbl recognition of fable could make an entire new section of the game on your hardisk (this is all through a live game update) much like when it says your xbox live needs an update in games like rainbow six (the way live handles the game is being altered) I can see fable 1.5 being now not only the best rpg for next gen consoles but also the only mmorpg worth buying on the next gen consoles
What kind of changes will be in this update? I hope it's more quests (randomly generated quests would be ideal.) There are so many things I'd like to see added to Fable, and I hope this update, or whatever, will fix this.

EDIT: Perhaps it will be Fable: Directors Cut, or something, and people who bought the original Fable can get it for free.
I'd really like to see this.

Fable was SO good, but SO short.....
if fable is xbl "aware" then it means it establishs some kind of conenction to the xbl network. if it can do that, it cna download content.
SidewinderX said:
if fable is xbl "aware" then it means it establishs some kind of conenction to the xbl network. if it can do that, it cna download content.

precisely, couldent have said it better winder. So expect to pay for these updates though (wont be much, will be well worth it for the mt of content you get) much less then a moh/cod expansion for pc would cost with much more replayability.. my gusses

fable 1.5 = free.. MORE GAME more quests more social char. dev options and most importantly more sexual acts to perform on drunken pub broads. and who knows it may be gradual oh today a new haircut came out for xbl subscribers or OOO cool today a new sword/quest/monster came out or an all ne arena.. JUST THINK of the opporunities.

FO [Fable Online] (or whatever cheesey title they decide to give it)= either an entirely new version of fable with online capabilities retailed at the same price :( that would suck) or a premium content download for about 40 dollars :) yes please.. and yes it would be the best (almost) mmorpg (because im sure only about 3/4 plyrs would be alowed in a server at once given network choke and constraints) I pray for new content and only fable ablities and even more exiting things to come from the fableverse (i love to gamble and slap bitches in that game) lets out all that aggresion)

if the 1.5 dl came with fable online for ~50dollars i'd pay in a second... I cant wait to see what peter and MS has prepped for us rpg geeks.

(im a very peaceful guy much like vash in real life, I cant stand the sight of fightining + blood) but it games it gets me off BWAHAHA