Facade: the most important game of the last decade


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
You Must Play Façade, Now

"A new video game called Facade has just been released to the public. I'll say this right up front: Facade is one of the most important games ever created, possibly the most important game of the last ten years. More important than The Sims; more important than Grand Theft Auto; far more important than Half-Life. If you are a game designer, or you want to be a game designer, you must play this game."

"Well, Facade does make dramatic leaps in terms of how a story in a video game can be told. The game casts the player as a friend of married couple Grace and Trip; you arrive at their apartment as they are going through some marital rocky waters. Over the course of the game, you can help them get back together, drive them further apart, hit on one or both of them--you do whatever you want. You can say anything you want to them too, because the game uses a natural text parser, certainly the best anyone has put in a game. Facade uses procedural methods to interpret what your typed text means and what affect it will have on Grace and Trip; they respond with body language, facial expressions, and recorded speech."


dl here


Façade is an artificial intelligence-based art/research experiment in electronic narrative – an attempt to move beyond traditional branching or hyper-linked narrative to create a fully-realized, one-act interactive drama. Integrating an interdisciplinary set of artistic practices and artificial intelligence technologies, we have completed a five year collaboration to engineer a novel architecture for supporting emotional, interactive character behavior and drama-managed plot. Within this architecture we have built a dramatically interesting, real-time 3D virtual world inhabited by computer-controlled characters, in which the player experiences a story from a first-person perspective
Please don't tell me that 800megs takes up 2 characters and a limited game level?

edit: wrong forum.

*wants to be a game designer*

apparently I am being forced to download it!
Razor said:
Please don't tell me that 800megs takes up 2 characters and a limited game level?

edit: wrong forum.

well it's not really a game ...more of an interactive experience with intelligent ai
Is it really worth the download?
800megs... christ
I'm at work, let me know if anybody downloads it, is it worth it? if so I'll try it when I get home
The torrent is blazing, 200kbps+
You guys can review it for me :P

I cant be arsed to download something so big if its crap anymore.

Stupid BT Download limits. Biatches!
Come on guys, details details!
Is it worth the download?
What EXACTLY is it?
Where did you download it? Is it actually worth the 800MB download? Details, Details!
"this game stuck its boot so far up my ass while it was kicking it that i can still taste the leather and shit on my tongue" - dumbass reviewer

ummm... is it fun>?
And jump off an exploding building in a million shards of glass while screaming "OWNED MOTHER F*CKERS!!!!!"?

EDIT: BTW, I'm dowloading it, only 4.5 hours :thumbs:

Seriously though, anybody who's finished downloading it, is it any good? It looks interesting, I'm just not shure I want to spend 4 hours downloading something that's only mildly entertaining.
I was watching G4 Tech Tv, and This game got positive reviews, from: X-Play, Cinematech and Kevin on "Attack of the show" put it in his first 50 (First 50 means its real good), so i am downloading it, it look good to me!
I was watching G4 Tech Tv, and This game got positive reviews from: X-Play, Cinematech and Kevin on "Attack of the show" put it in his first 50 (First 50 means its real good), so i am downloading it, it look good to me!
G4 Tech Tv sucks tho...so this game must suck also.
G4 doesn't suck, maybe it's YOU who sucks :( !
This is gonna take an hour to dl and it looks ultrashit. Better be worth it :hmph:
ha its kind of fun i guess. i keep asking to see her boobs but he kicks me out
I downloaded it but it won't install.. redownload I guess...
That was pretty bad. Most important game of the last decade? Not a chance.
Damn, my 4mbit connection is pumping it out at 530 kB/s. God I love cable.
Reaktor4 said:
That was pretty bad. Most important game of the last decade? Not a chance.
Yeah, I'll be looking right at one of them standing about a foot away from me with the other one behind me and on the other side of the room... and it can't fathom that I'm attempting to say something to the person right in front of me. Like, I said something to Grace while looking right at her face and Trip (about 25ft behind me) thinks I'm flirting with him.

Also, one time I told Trip I wanted some vodka when he started talking about drinks... and he was like "So, do you want some water or juice?" Then, I respond "No, I said I wanted vodka"... and he says something like "Great, I'll go get the wine."