Faceposer rigging

Feb 21, 2005
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I'm adding custom player models to my SP mod and I need to find out how to rig the faceposer bones to my actor's faces. I opened up the program and tried to figure it out to no avail. I cant seem to find tutorials neither. does anyone know where I can start or know of a good tutorial? Thanks.

i couldnt say for sure but i think theres a a rig on xsi that is all set up for faceposer as if u do get charcter man or sumthin and then do get character full rig or sumthin it has bones an stuff around the mouth
I'm not using XSI, I'm using 3d studio max. and I took a look at the gman model and there is no face bones attatched to the skeleton. there is just a bone that you attatch to the head of your model for the neck to move the head around. I also tried to find soemthing in the included .smd files to no avail. It has got to be something apart from the normal animation skeleton. that and the fact that face sequences can be done independantly of the model's body animation ingame. Still lookin for the answer. Thanx though.