facepunch - the ultimate banners..


Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
seriously some reasons are ridiculous, and stupid..
thank god hl2.net is not like this..


INSTABANNED Used the word drop any good loot.. This is dumb shit. Stop it.

Posting a picture of his dick (in post "" by Hezzy)

Please stop uploading to rapidshare. It's shitty. (1 day ban since the censor isn't working)

Cliffhanger title. (in post "So now my other computer won't turn on..." by mikfoz)

INSTABANNEDUsed the word nigga.. You might think it's clever, but it's stupid annoying shit.

"Re: I ****ing hate ATI." by postal)
Most of those are fairly decent, if a bit strict.

I see no problem here.
Douchebag moderators are douchebags.

Although I can see how that would be fun.
Don't even begin to be like them Ennui or I will execute you right here and now. I don't care if you are a moderator, I will kill you if you attempt to have any of that fun. Don't try me.
How is being banned for posting a picture of your cock unreasonable?
Cliffhanger title? Talk about power tripping.
Don't even begin to be like them Ennui or I will execute you right here and now. I don't care if you are a moderator, I will kill you if you attempt to have any of that fun. Don't try me.

I considered having fun with you and pretending to ban you for this but frankly I agree with you, if I was on facepunch I would just be annoyed as shit, it's like letting /b/ drive a tractor trailer down the highway.

Power tripping morons annoy the shit out of me. Those FP mods are almost identical to about 10,000 shitheaded server admins with delusions of grandeur I've met in my time gaming.
Power tripping morons annoy the shit out of me. Those FP mods are almost identical to about 10,000 shitheaded server admins with delusions of grandeur I've met in my time gaming.
I don't really think they are "power tripping morons". Garry's Mod forums have always been like this. Garry is like this. The moderators are TOLD to be this way. They are hired to be strict moderators.
That's not strict, that's ridiculous.
You're ridiculous.

Most of those reasons seem logical. If they want to keep noobs out, it seems like they know what to look for.
Most are fine, but banning because of a cliffhanger ending is stupid as hell. OMFG I DID JUST ENDZ WITH DOTDOTDOT LOLZ
I was just randomly browsing on Facepunch once (not a member), and I saw a guy get banned for writing his name at the end of his post, Angry Lawyer style.

One the plus side though, they have a buttshecks smilly :p
Most are fine, but banning because of a cliffhanger ending is stupid as hell. OMFG I DID JUST ENDZ WITH DOTDOTDOT LOLZ
It's not being descriptive enough about the problem in the title. Perfectly reasonable for a strict forum.
It's not being descriptive enough about the problem in the title. Perfectly reasonable for a strict forum.
That is about as reasonable as being murdered because your eyes aren't blue enough (Oh I see what I did thar D: )
lame, eventually their forums will crumble from the inside as Rome did.

But HL2.net has been long, strong, and hard, like a pulsatating erection. *Group hug*
Strict rules (but still reasonable) only work if they're actually enforced, and on a forum that is high traffic and worthy enough of taking the time to learn the rules and obey them. I hope that forum in the OP is the best forum in the Universe, because the way they throw out bans, it's like they're trying to restrict the forums to all but A-List Internet celebrities or something :|


An example of a forum that is worthy of having strict rules to keep their community in-check. The rules are just common sense anyways. High traffic forums need to be moderated fiercely or else all hope is lost.