Fahrenheit 9/11 ...the sequel?!

Aug 14, 2003
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Yep, it's true. :O


The sequel to the first documentary will be called "Fahrenheit 9/11 and 1/2" or "Fahrenheit 9/11.5", and will be finished in a few years. It deals with the same topics as the first movie: Bush and the war against terror. I'd expect a whole lot more specific focus on the war in Iraq though.

Whatever your opinion of Moore, I think we can all agree that this sequel had better not repeat the ill-defined conspiracy theories found in the first half of the original and have more of the sharp frank criticism of the second half.

Please try to keep the flames at a minimum in your responses.
We all know that some of you are sure that GW is Satan incarnate who drinks oil and blood, and others are positive that Moore hates every american on a deep, personal level and strangles orphans with leftover film stock.

Try to express a bit more than just "outraged." :)

I can't wait to see what he has dug up for this one... Should be entertaining and interesting all at the same time. Like before, do your research first.
Well as GW Bush can't come back, i presume it'll be aimed towards Jeb Bush and presumably will be digging up yet more muck on the Bush empire - still can't help but think that by villifying the Bush family he's playing straight into the republican's hands come election time.
it's getting old, once bush is done with his little war he's gone
Too bad Americans are dumb f**ks and reelected him! Bush is just a greedy redneck bastard and I can't see why Americans reelected him. This may be one of the stupidist things I've ever heard about!
meh there's always room for documentaries that skewer american foreign policy
I heard that Michael Moore said before the election that if GW wins he would move to Canada...
Anyway I don't like that idiot (Moore), he is so full of himself.
I heard that Michael Moore was going to focus it on Tony Blair and the British Goverment, I heard that Moore thought Tony Blair was stupid but also he was smarter than Bush.

But, my Dad thinks he's a God, because he hates Bush, and proved that Bush was practically responsible for Sepetember the Eleventh.
Meh. Farenheit 9/11 was ok, but it was no Bowling for Columbine, and it was pretty much the cinematic version of Dude, Where's My Country? (ironically they released a book of Farenheit 9/11)
I heard he was going to do one on Blair too. Meh.