failed to lock vertex buffer in CMeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer



Yeah, i am gettin the failed to lock vertex buffer in CMeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer error. for half life 2, and regular half life only.

i've been playing all the games since 05' and i've NEVER had this since earlyer today. and the funny thing is..i was actually playing half life 2 when it froze and i ctrl alt deleted and went to restart it and it gave me that shit..

and AFTER i get the vertex CMesh error it gives me this

The instruction at "0x241f94f7" referenced memory at "0x0e64f41c". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program

So yeah, its new, and its recent, i've tried putting -dxlevel 70 and -dxlevel 90 in my launch thing. sooooo

help please :)
yeah, you guys need to answer please :)

i deleted all the files in half life 2, and loaded it so they would reload, nothing happend

then i deleted all of DirectX on my comp and reinstalled all of it..nothing..please help
Alright, i've spent numerous hours all day today figuring this out. I believe i have found the problem. I just don't know how to fix it.

I ran some ATI test stuff and it sais i don't have DirectX installed correctly.

How do i install it correctly?