Played CS:S for over 6 month now, but now it ****s me about that it cant detect no direct x... PLZ HELP... I only did one thing which ceised it from working I installed a game called Rayman 2 and now it does not work at all.... says that I need a DIrect X 6.0 or something compatible graphics card... PLZ HELP!!!
All my other games seem to be working but I did not test them all out yet... PLZ help! What can I reinstall? (DO NOT SAY THE DRIVERS DID THAT ALREADY) What may I delete so it would see that I have a DX8.0 graphic card??!?!!
Definatly something has installed that is blocking it from seeing that I have a GFX 5200.. or something modified something installed ceising HL2 engine based games to detect a compatible video mode....
PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!1!!! ;(
All my other games seem to be working but I did not test them all out yet... PLZ help! What can I reinstall? (DO NOT SAY THE DRIVERS DID THAT ALREADY) What may I delete so it would see that I have a DX8.0 graphic card??!?!!
Definatly something has installed that is blocking it from seeing that I have a GFX 5200.. or something modified something installed ceising HL2 engine based games to detect a compatible video mode....
PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!1!!! ;(