fall damage


Mar 29, 2005
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i need to be able to create a brush that doesnt hurt you if you fall on it from a long distance. how can i do this?
You need to place a trigger over the brush that fires !activator with input IgnoreFallDamage and parameter 3.
what mod is this for? The method Raeven0 suggests will not work for CS:S.

There's always the "tiny bit 'o' water" trick. You can fall from any distance and if you land in any water you won't be hurt.
There are probably other ways as well. trigger_push's or something.. =\
Trigger push don't work like you want them to.

You may break the fall but it'll certainly be noticable.
The parameter is the number of seconds that the player should ignore fall damage for.

This doesn't work in CS:S, no. You'd probably have to do the water... uh... thing.

Trigger_gravity, though it reduces the gravity, won't reduce fall damage.
im workin with hl2dm again....i dont think ill ever map for cs:s....so this should work ok....thanks guys.

Edit: wait what the hell is a !activator?

nother edit: ah nevermind...a key right? which entity should i apply to it then?
so which entity allows me to use the "ontrigger" output....is logic relay the one im lookin for?

Edit: haha i got it....thanks man....i didnt know entities werent limited to whatever is on its pulldown options