fallen behind on b-movies


Party Escort Bot
Oct 21, 2008
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ive just been informed that ive fallen behind on my B-movies. sadly, this is all too
true. so please suggest some amazingly brilliant crap to help keep me entertained.
Just how B?

Because you could go all the way and I'd suggest going through Roland Emmerich's catalog (ID4, Day After Tomorrow, 10,000BC) or if you're just looking for movies with B sensibilities I'd suggest Sky Captain, Hellboy, Sahara, and Hot Fuzz.
How far back were you to date? Would you know Stargate (the movie)? Or something more recent like the Island or the Blade films?
check out dark star for a start, by a young john carpenter.
How are any of the movies you listed B-movies?

Kind of what I was asking in my first post. Some people say "B movie" and mean something MST3K-level, but others say "B-movie" and mean movies that are a little below mainstream and that are just generally silly, dorky, stupid, or even just odd.

There's this weird and muddled hierarchy to questionable movies, where something like Blair Witch could be considered mainstream (popular, but made by indy creators), and something like Aeon Flux could be said to be a B-movie despite having a gigantic budget and major studio backing, because it's weird and generally considered to be poor movie making.
MST3K wasnt about b-movies. It was about old, absolutely awful b-movies that would only be mildly entertaining if they were on MST3K.
How far back were you to date? Would you know Stargate (the movie)? Or something more recent like the Island or the Blade films?

i know most of the big releases, im looking for some of the more obscure ones
^ Haha, first review: "Not even a C Movie." I must see this.

Also, um... bah, what was it called. Some japanese movie where they go back in time to fight a feudal warlord with tanks and shit, and the warlord has like... a nuke for some reason. ****ing outrageous. I mentioned it ages ago in the review thread, but all I remember is it had a year in the title, and possibly an "X".

Y'know, I watched Guyver: Dark Hero the other day.

That's a good start. It's so bad, it's good.
Just how B?

Because you could go all the way and I'd suggest going through Roland Emmerich's catalog (ID4, Day After Tomorrow, 10,000BC) or if you're just looking for movies with B sensibilities I'd suggest Sky Captain, Hellboy, Sahara, and Hot Fuzz.

None of those are remotely B movie.
Feast, Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds, Feast 3: The Happy Finish.

Also, the nonexistent Feast 4: Feast Feast Feast.
The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue


Do Not Speak Ill of the Dead

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie

Don't Open the Window

Couple more:
Breakfast With the Dead
Weekend with the Dead

Any true B-movie fan will get this joke without looking any of the films up on Wikipedia
None. That's irrelevant. B movies are low budget.

This is probably the dumbest thing ever to have an argument over, but I'll point out that the definition of B movie has changed A LOT over time. It used to just be the bottom movie on a double feature, but it's since picked up a bunch of different connotations. Some entire genres picked up the reputation for being B-movies (Westerns, Sci-Fi, etc), and sometimes it's a term used just to call a movie bad.

From Wikipedia, that repository of all things as silly as this:
As the average running time of top-of-the-line films increased, so did that of B pictures. In its current usage, the term has two primary and somewhat contradictory connotations: it may signal an opinion that a certain movie is (a) a genre film with minimal artistic ambitions or (b) a lively, energetic film uninhibited by the constraints imposed on more expensive projects and unburdened by the conventions of putatively "serious" independent film. The term is also now used loosely to refer to some higher budgeted, mainstream films with exploitation-style content, usually in genres traditionally associated with the B movie.

I know my point of reference is all out of whack with what other people consider a "B-movie," but that's why I asked for clarification. :thumbs:
While it's apparently not as bad, Starship Troopers 3 would probably qualify too.
It has ridiculously cool fight scenes.
Thing is, I agree completely.

Like when he, like, jumps, spins with a kick, misses with his front leg but BANG! Hit's the guy with his back leg. Sweet.
Dead Alive, Ricky-O, Evil Dead 2

-The Best.