Falling asleep at work!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Since I've been sick this weekend, sleep has been near impossible. I need help guys, I keep nodding off at work! This isn't any good!

Get up and walk around. Don't get warm. Stay freezing. Do something.
Paint eyes on your eyelids, and open something like regedit. Then just fall asleep sitting up staring at your monitor. Everyone will just assume you're in deep thought.
Paint eyes on your eyelids, and open something like regedit. Then just fall asleep sitting up staring at your monitor. Everyone will just assume you're in deep thought.

I had my head tilted in a way to where they wouldn't know I was sleeping unless they looked hard at me in the reflection of the picture next to me. Somebody got any fun flash games or anything for me? Just anything funny perhaps?
Nip to the toilet and splash your face with cold water.

Then laugh remembering Jim Carrey saying: "ONE FRIGGIN' EYE" in the Mask. :D

Or practice a D: face in your monitor.
Haha, oh god Cormeh, I probably would do that, if I was a BIT more sleepier.

Is there a site out there that has a shit ton of MP3's I can listen to by streaming?

OH SHIT WINAMP!! Someone got a good internet radio site?

There's some good zombie flash game at newgrounds, the last stand or something.
Cut off your penis? You will be too busy crying over it to have any time sleeping.
Mere mortals and their sleep...pff.
well, those flash games are very entertaining! That balloon one is yehaw fun.
I'm quite sure it would do the opposite and keep them closed if he's not careful.
Throw things at them and retreat to your cubicle. Start a war man!
That actually sounds like a good idea. But...what do I throw?

I have several keyboards and mice...couple LCD projectors...
Start off with balled up bits of paper or tissue, something small will turn into a full battle if you play your cards right.
i actually have this problem alot, but my computer is easily seen when people walk by. So I try and rest my head on my hand, open up something random on my computer.....I tend to use Wireshark so the stuff on the screen keeps changing. Either that or take a lighter into the bathroom and hold it under your balls.
You need Berroca.

Its not cheap, but its a performance booster by basically giving you a 700% boost of your body's needs (vitamins etc) in a tablet about the size of a 2 pound coin, which you drop into a glass of water and it tastes like slightly powdery orange juice.

I swear, i have one of these in the morning and you dont need anything for the rest of the day. Eat food though, or youll pass out when it wears off lol. Usually lasts most of the day.
You need Berroca.

Its not cheap, but its a performance booster by basically giving you a 700% boost of your body's needs (vitamins etc) in a tablet about the size of a 2 pound coin, which you drop into a glass of water and it tastes like slightly powdery orange juice.

I swear, i have one of these in the morning and you dont need anything for the rest of the day. Eat food though, or youll pass out when it wears off lol. Usually lasts most of the day.

Any side affect besides a complete shutdown at the end of the day?
And is it available in the US?
That sounds dangerous! is there any risk of dependancy? I might need that...and how much is "not cheap" :p
No vitamins become dangerous at 700%, only one I know about is Vitamin C which becomes dangerous at 4000% (or something to that extent). Vitamins aren't really dangerous or life threatening, just make sure you get the decent stuff (ask Terminator for this, he knows the difference between concentrates/derivates/whatever)
Now I just gotta wait for Short recoil to show up with his infinite wisdom on this one!

I finally got hit with some work, so I'm starting to wake up. but I have problems pissing in public places, so I can only pee during my lunch, and when I get home....and I've got 2 hours left to go home, and my bladder is about to burst. that and I have to take a dump.. GAH
I miss my old job. I rented boats to people in a big ass field with a dock surrounded by trees. I just smoked all day, slept, jumped off the big ass bridge, smoked more, slept, and swam more. Even watched Clerks a couple times. Not many people came down there.
Any side affect besides a complete shutdown at the end of the day?
And is it available in the US?

Id imagined its available in the US, if i can get it in South Africa im sure you guys can get it.

No no no dont worry about like dying at the end of the day lol. Its just like a sports drink but really concentrated. Its designed to cure hangovers and simply give you a jolt of energy for most of the day.

Like i said, just dont forget to eat. Not beacause Berroca will do anything to you, you just wont feel like you really need any food because you wont feel hungry. And obviously not eating is simply bad for you.

Its awesome stuff. Think of it like a painkiller: helps for a certain period of time, but its not going to harm you unless you OD. But even then, Berroca is just a big drinking tablet full of the stuff your body needs.

Just like the runny porridge they have in The Matrix :borg:
That Berocca thing looks very interesting, I take a lot of cafiene to stay alert, I could and probably should replace that with more fruit and vegetables.
4,049.67 meter was all i can do. I just gave up after making it that far, took too many tries, and is damn addictive, haha.
put a squirrel in your pants and keep it sealed

that will keep you awake
Let me ask the same question as in the other thread: what do you do Pitz (ie. what are you supposed to do at work?)
Go to the toilet and fet some wet bog roll, and return to your cubicile (Yes, I know your talking about office cubicile things) and start chucking it next door.