Fallout 3


Dec 22, 2003
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I remember awhile back Betheseda announced they licensed the fallout series, and that they were developing a fallout 3. Is there any more news on that?, or did it fall through?. Regardless of what others stay, there should be no reason Bethesda isn't secretly developing it, whether there has been no news updates or not I guess. They paid Interplay nearly 1 Million to acquire the license. I do assume however that they will be using the Oblivion (maybe updated) engine for the development though. I also heard Interplay was working on a fallout MMO.
i never got to finish fallout 2, when my roommlate left he took the cd :(
Not much news. The Fallout fan site made a large FAQ on questions they asked Bethesda. Search "No Mutants Allowed" on google.
There was a Fallout 3 poster at Bethesda's E3 booth, but they haven't really mentioned it other than that. My guess is that they've just started and don't really have anything to show for it yet. We'll probably get our first real news on it sometime in 2006.
I'm just praying it isn't TES:Oblivion with guns!