Fallout: Metal God



Fallout: Metal God is a Source Engine modification preparing to start production. It is based on the Fallout series of games by Black Isle Studios. Metal God is currently in development and will begin full production in September. Production will last for nine to twelve months Currently we are seeking talented and dedicated people to join our team. If you are interested in joining, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] At this time we're looking for:

3-D Artists
2-D Artists
Character Modelers
Level Designers
Before the flaming begins. Let me tell you best of luck with your mod.

As for recruiting, that is gonna be really hard for you to do without a website and an in-depth description.

Never the less, I know the hardships that come with starting a mod. Again, best of luck and don't give up.
Do you have permission or will you be getting it from the creators of Fallout?
no i don't think they do, but hey listen

Scorea said:
Fallout: Metal God is a Source Engine modification preparing to start production. It is based on the Fallout series of games by Black Isle Studios. Metal God is currently in development and will begin full production in September. Production will last for nine to twelve months Currently we are seeking talented and dedicated people to join our team. If you are interested in joining, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] At this time we're looking for:

3-D Artists
2-D Artists
Character Modelers
Level Designers

you post on these forums right...
best fallout site ever
No Mutants Aloud? My rights have been violated!
Good luck with your mod. I reccomend not calling it fallout, but please for the love of God make it just being a very strong spiritual successor.

And what kind of game will it be? If it's just an action game based on the fallout world the fallout community won't give a rat's ass about it. And if it's a multi-player mod, they will care even less about it.

No permission = theft = bad idea = I'll kick you real hard
I would honestly contact Interplay and ask them if its okay for you to use the name. As well if youre going to use the name, make sure it really meets the design quality of the series.

You post like youre a pro, but you provide no information or anything showing what there is to this mod. If I were looking to join, I wouldnt think twice about this one, but again I dont want to dis ya just letting ya know. Good luck, do it legit, saves time in the long run.
Interplay is about to go under, and I don't think they even have a location to call anymore.

I recommend just changing the name.
You don't need permission because it's not being sold. If the company doesn't like it they'll contact you with a cease and desist, and then you just have to remove the Fallout stuff. And it's not likely Bethesda would contact you.
lol.. it has happened with lesser mods.. for example DBZ mods
2ltben said:
You don't need permission because it's not being sold.


Question 1: Did you create the material you're using?
Question 2: Do you have permission to use the material?

If you answered no to the first and no to the second then YOU CANNOT USE THE MATERIAL NO MATTER WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO WITH IT.

Not being sold? Dosent matter.
Not competing with companies other games? Dosent matter.
Not going to be noticed? Dosent matter.

If you A) didnt create it and B) dont have permission to use it you cannot use it no matter what. Period. Finito. End of f**king story.
Shinobi said:
sorry to inform you but bethseda has just bought the fallout license and is working on a new fallout game

her's a news link


OMG! Fallout and elder scrolls games soon! The fallout series wasGREAT and i spent hours upon hours in morrowind!

On the liscence, you could try asking them, or going until you get a cease and desist, OR not using fallout and just go for the post-apocalyptic strategy based environment, which is what everyone likes after all