Family Guy/ American Dad


Jul 4, 2003
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Did anyone else catch them tonight! So funny! :P
I'm so happy to have my family guy back!!! Tonights episode will probably have some christian groups up in arms and possibly have the show cancelled again, but man it was class lol
im reall glad they didnt pull any punches (gotta love the simpsons too ), im really looking forward to the rest of the season/s. they stuck it to the conservatives :laugh:
Nah, South Park did worse and they're still going strong.
Family Guy was great as always, I don't know if American Dad has itself sorted out yet, since its kinda weak in spots.
Family Guy was utterly hillarious, as always. I was so happy to see it back and completely intact.

American Dad on the other hand... Well, we won't go there. Basically, it's like some guy tried and failed miserably to make a Family Guy clone. Too bad this guy is Seth McFarlane.
we still get season 3 repeats of family guy here :(.. not long to wait I hope, there still funny anyway..

we just got the Simpsons episode where they goto japan, lucy lu guest voices a character, homer pretends to be selma's husband to get a baby, and he gets painted up as a budda.. the Simpsons really sucks lately, infact it gets about one or two giggles these days at best, Homer is just about keeping it alive, I usually find the halloween episodes make me laugh but meh to the rest.
clarky003 said:
we still get season 3 repeats of family guy here :(.. not long to wait I hope, there still funny anyway..

we just got the Simpsons episode where they goto japan, lucy lu guest voices a character, homer pretends to be selma's husband to get a baby, and he gets painted up as a budda.. the Simpsons really sucks lately, infact it gets about one or two giggles these days at best, Homer is just about keeping it alive, I usually find the halloween episodes make me laugh but meh to the rest.

The Halloween episodes have really declined in quality the past few years. It isn't even about Halloween anymore.

Family Guy was a pleasent surprise in that it felt like the show never left the network (even though it was technically cancelled 3 times).

The two Simpsons episodes were good too, providing more laughs in one minute than the above mentioned disaster.

Amercian Dad is a great satire for American politics, and for anyone that follows them, the show provided some great moments. Like Futurama, the show is still trying to find its voice (and with that said, I hope FOX gives this show a better chance).
HOLY HELL! I ****ING MISSED IT! And those caps were on purpose. I'm yelling, I'm mad! Yes, at you, and you and you! Argh. I hope they replay them soon. Do you think they'll replay them soon?
"This is almost as easy as that time I convinced congress to go to war"

-"If you don't attack Iraq, you're gay" -Peter

"I'll attack Iraq, yeah attack Iraq, I wanted to attack Iraq before anybody"-various congressmen....


"let he who is free of sin, kick the first ass"
"Christians don't believe in gravity"

"Do you know how to use of these?"

Haha, awesome. FG rules all.
I like the opening when he listed every show that fox cancelled in the last few years. Its particularly funny for me because its an ongoing joke between me and my dad about how fox cancells a rediculous amount of shows.
I thought American Dad was pretty good. Not nearly as good as Family Guy, but definitely better than the Simpsons.

I laughed so hard at the "This... is... NOT... soup!" part :D
Family Guy is the greatest show on Earth!

watched some episodes earlier .. petoria, the one with the nudist family, and the one where brian falls in love with that old lady!

I carnt wait untill we see it here in England, Family Guy is just makes me laugh really hard :P

I agree with people who say the simpsons isnt as funny now, I find Futurama and Family Guy much more funny
I'm suprised no one here even mentions South Park. SP rules too.:(
I love South Park too. But I'd almost consider it seperately from Family Guy and similar shows, since its so satirical. I'd sooner compare it to the Daily Show.
South Park can be much more edgy and generally offensive and get away with it because it's not on network television. It's on Comedy Central and different rules apply.

This was my 5th or 6th time seeing the Family Guy opener but it was still hilarious.

"Look at all those can't eat all those hamburgers you stupid fella"

"There is no justifiable cause to go to war on Iraq"
"Well that may be...but what we're all forgetting is...if you don't want to go to're gay"
*rising torrent of "I want to go to war!"

Brian: "...this whole incident has just turned his entire life upside-down-face....."

American Dad had its moments too. I liked this one in particular, "Then they'll go back to the streets where the nights are cold and the fights are meatless"

The bit with Greenspan at the end was funny too.
American Dad was great. Missed the FG episode though :(
The method-acting hand model at the end was the best part of American Dad. That show sure has it moments, but not the whole picture.
Family Guy was indeed incredibly hilarious.
American Dad isn't as hilarious, but still funny in its own right. Like someone said before, it'll find its place like Futurama.
yeah faimly guy and futurama are like young simpsons they are priceless for like 10 years (if there around that long) and then they go down hill like simpsons. Also they need to bring make futurama that show rocked and if they did that with family guy then Fox sundays would have everyone watching
Ok, is it me, or was Chris understanding what Stewie was saying during the episode? I thought Brian the dog was the only one who could understand him.
Oh man was Family guy great
"what do you tell the teachers if they ask about your bruises?"
";( I was hit by a baseball"
gold, pure gold, the pinoccio clip was hilarious and the "Beyond" area lol "oh here's the coffee mugs"
god how I missed new family guy, it's teh win.
American Dad was alright at best, looking back at a few parts is a chuckle but nothing more, that alien is gay too.
A True Canadian said:
Ok, is it me, or was Chris understanding what Stewie was saying during the episode? I thought Brian the dog was the only one who could understand him.

My little theory is that everybody can hear Stewie...but never really pay any attention to what he has to say. This time around Stewie kinda took the role of the mom and Chris listened.

"As you can see, Garfield doesn't care for Nermal..but like it or not...Nermal is here to stay....or is he? Let's read on"
well the whole fact when stewie asked chris what to say when the teachers asked him about his bruises and chris responded shows that they can hear him fine.
Lois just ignores him and the fact that he can talk.
Family guy is back and just as good! Loved when Stewie is dreaming and says "It is good to have land." Just so great. That and the Dennis Kucinich sticker on Stewie and Brian's van, just made it perfect.

American Dad, on the other hand, was complete and utter crap. Not funny at all, weak characters (especially the alien, girl, and mother), theft of bad jokes such as the gays and real things such as Bum Fights (which is a real DVD series), and just so one sided it is painful. I'm used to having liberal crap thrown at me when I turn the television on or go to the theaters (I'm a realistic libertarian with a pinch of neo-con) and enjoy laughing at myself, but this whole show revolves around calling conservative Americans dick-less. Now I didn't think the show would be that bad, thought it would be a nice satire of American politics and poke (although less) fun at liberals. I was wrong. The only sympathetic characters are the hippy girl and mother, neither of which even try to be funny, just correct/sympathetic. Not only this, but they STOLE SNOT FROM REVENGE OF THE NERDS! NOT FUNNY AND IS JUST PLAIN RETARDED AND NOT RANDOM LIKE FAMILY GUY!