Family Guy movie, and Season 3 released today!


Jul 11, 2003
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I just wanted to give the heads up to those Family Guy fans out there.
In an exclusive interview with Coming Attractions at Cinescape, FAMILY GUY creator Seth McFarlane told us that the rumor about the possible return of his TV show is about to become a reality. A deal is imminent for McFarlane to continue creating new animated adventures of Quahog's nuttiest, funniest dysfunctional family, the Griffins.

Also, Season 3 (Volume 2) of Family Guy is being released in the US today!
best news i heard all day!

thanks man

by far the best and funniest cartoon evar
the old ep owned. the new ones suck there alllllllllllll about the baby its getting really gay
He, in a day thats been rubbish so far, and is going to get worse, this is great news, thanks
Wow that's great. I thought they had cancelled it. But yeah, the baby was always cool, but in small doses. Sort of like Robin Williams (except in that movie 1 hr. photo, the guy was awesome).
man thats awsume i always wanted family guy to come back on the air become it was the best cartoon ever.:cheers: