Fanboy =/= credible game journalist


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
It's nice to know Gamespy hires fanboys instead of unbiased game journalists
Found this over in the Sony forums (I know, not exactly unbiased there). Still, this srikes me as irresponsible on the part of Gamespy. If the guy wants to put that sort of irresponsible and ill-informed article somewhere it should be on a personal blog, not on a gaming site which should be striving for at least a little credibility.

And before anyone comes in saying I'm only bringing this up because it's about the X360, it's not. I would find a problem with this for any system. I know reporting can never be unbiased, but fanboyism this blatant is just ridiculous.
I'm pretty sure this type of article is supposed to be a biased opinion, for the sake of a good read for those who hold similar opinions.

I don't see any indication that this is supposed to be some kind of fair review on the 360.
I don't think I've ever read anything off Gamespy, they are wank.
rofl...he made it sound like the PS3 will give you AIDs. \=
Gamespy = Shiznit
Recently, you may have noticed that I've been dabbling in some PS3 games. Never fear, however, because my time with this godforsaken device has steeled my resolve to remain loyal to the almighty Xbox 360

dam that looks like comunist propaganda
I vastly prefer the 360 to the PS3, but reading that just made my stomach churn. The PS3's online plan maybe be bare-bones, but it's nowhere near as bad as he makes it out to be. And Live isn't the holy grail of console gaming.

It's an editorial, so whatever. And I don't pay serious attention to GameSpy any way. But was still a slab of shit.
He has a few legitimate gripes buried in a mountain of propaganda, unprofessionalism, and name-calling.
That's right. What passes for "background downloading" on the PS3 is only valid in the loosest sense of the term. While background downloading, you really can't do anything except paw through your collection of saves in the media bar or look for more garbage to buy off of the PlayStation Network. You can't, say, watch a DVD or even play a videogame while background downloading. Um... I'm sorry, but that's stupid.
It's pretty ridiculous to pass lies like this off as truth. I always download things in the background and then go watch something or play a game while it's doing it. Especially since I tend to cue up the several new downloads available every week I don;t feel like sitting around waiting for them.
This has been an issue with the PS3 since day one, and the lack of people playing games over PSN is a constant thorn in our sides because playing games online is a key focus of our site. It makes it really tough to do my job when there's nobody to play with online
Quite clearly he has never tried playing Resistance or Motorstorm or R6:V. Every time I get in a game on one of those they are close to full. Hell, I've been glued to R6:V since I got it last Tuesday and have had a blast with the multiplayer.
In fact, we should reach out to the poor downtrodden folk that are unfortunate enough to have blown six or seven Benjamins on a PS3 and show them what real gaming is.
I won't go through the whole money issue, but anyone who knows anything about the consoles knows the X360 is not cheaper than the PS3 when you make truly comparable configurations.
There are some things that you may want to do to prepare for this interactive intervention, and I'd suggest starting out with hitting the Xbox Live Marketplace if you haven't already downloaded some sweet HD movies and Xbox Live Arcade games. Also, be sure you have a game that can be played online (not hard if you own more than three Xbox 360 games) so that your PS3-owning friend can get the full Xbox 360 experience.
Hmmm.. yeah, because it's really easy to cram a shitload of stuff on a 20GB hard drive.

Having said all this, I'd love to have an X360. I'm not a Sony fanboy. I had an X360 in my dorm room all of this past semester and I loved GRAW and GoW. I anxiously awaited the GRAW2 SP demo download for it. I loved playing it. But it's irresponsible, uninformed, and downright lying shit like this that gets me going.
It's GameSpy, everything except competent and credible.
I have avoided Gamespy since they installed some spy shit on my computer back in 2004/5. (I think it was Call of Duty [1]. Come on, they have spy in their name!

Hard for me to remember, but I think their gamespy multiplayer shit turns up in spyware scanners. either that or it installs some start up programs or something.
It really irked me when developers started implementing that shitty GameSpy software in their games, along with Punkbuster.
Gamespy? More like Lame...cry.

Oh yeah, I went there.
It really irked me when developers started implementing that shitty GameSpy software in their games, along with Punkbuster.

When I read this post, all I see is Mario re-enacting your avatar.
About the background d/l thing, the 360 isn't exactly a gem with this either.

If you want to play another game whilst simultaneously downloading something it frequently cuts off the d/l.
About the background d/l thing, the 360 isn't exactly a gem with this either.

If you want to play another game whilst simultaneously downloading something it frequently cuts off the d/l.

The 360 only stops your downloads when you play an online game or any game that allows another player on live to jump into the SP game your playing (I think Crackdown is the only one that does this anyway).
PS3s are closed because of AIDS. It attracts blu-rays.
What if I want blu-rays? DAMNIT! IT'S MY RIGHT TO HAVE Blu-rays!!!
I like the facts that even the people who use their game clients refer to it as "gayspy". I know I did! :)
What the hell - I know its an online mag but still - he should be fired, not even a good read...