Far Cry 2 demo (off screen)

Weapon jams really should not be a part of games for realism sake. The fact we can take so many bullets without dying proves we are in a game. I don't want my guns to jam realistically. And why is the only place he ever get shot the centre of his right hand? (I'll accept it's a pre-Alpha version :P)

But deary me, the combat may as well be Crysis. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen.

Also, it's supposedly PC only but it looks like he's playing with a controller judging by the aiming and general movement.

P.S. I hope that fun-looking flamethrower can start a bush/forest fire in the final build. Seems like way too good an opportunity to pass up.
From what I remember from another video, you can set pretty much anything on fire and it spreads (prairie fire).
And why is the only place he ever get shot the centre of his right hand? (I'll accept it's a pre-Alpha version :P)

In one of the Dev vids, it was stated that they plan to have around 50-60 animations for taking care of various wounds.
In one of the Dev vids, it was stated that they plan to have around 50-60 animations for taking care of various wounds.

If you mean these vids, I really couldn't hear a thing they were saying. :P But that's quite cool. :E
Looks great. It seems it's becoming what Far Cry should've been: a free roaming objective based survival shooter.
So... do you get to choose when to heal yourself? Otherwise it's just a big waste of time because it doesn't look like the enemy can hurt you when that animation is playing.
So... do you get to choose when to heal yourself? Otherwise it's just a big waste of time because it doesn't look like the enemy can hurt you when that animation is playing.

Yeah, you do. Also, remember that it's a pre-alpha, so quite a long ways from going gold. Lots of stuff to fix!
At 1st i wasnt to into this game, after seeing that. I got to say im impressed. Good ideas lets see if they execute.
Very impressed by it, love how you can drive through the shanty towns and the fire sounds like it'll be awesome.

Looks like it'll be more fun than crysis too :)
Very impressive. As soon as he said now you will get to see our favourite weapon I was like "Aww yeah, I know what this is". Fire sounds like itll be fantastic in this game. Hopefully the game wont be released for a while (at least until I can afford a new rig).
I was skeptical with it being in Africa. Thought it might be boring (thinking of desert). The videos I've seen so far have shown that might not be the case.
I was skeptical with it being in Africa. Thought it might be boring (thinking of desert). The videos I've seen so far have shown that might not be the case.

Well, there are all sorts of biomes in Africa, desert is just one of those. There are also jungles, savannahs, mountains... The game looks quite lush even in early stages. Hell, the foliage in the video looks even more realistic (density wise) than any of the Crysis vids I've seen.
Me too. If Crysis is anything like the MP beta, well, sucky suck.
What engine is this by the way?
I hated Far Cry except of the first few levels,and I don't consider them a masterpiece or anything, but this looks 10 times better.

Btw from any video of Crysis ive seen i havent really though " hey I wanna play this NOW " but from this demo I did..
Me too. If Crysis is anything like the MP beta, well, sucky suck.

This has taken all the excitement out of Crysis for me also, unfortunately. Regardless, Ill download the demo when it comes out next week.
I just hope they don't blow this game with goddamn mutant-monkeys like the first one.
That looked pretty sweet. I can imagine, in the next presentation, the devs saying something like "Now we've got a little surprise for you... behold... TRIGENS! WOOHOO Isn't it great?" :D
Why did they put them in Far Cry anyway ? they sucked in every possible way and were full of bugs..
They are aiming for realistic gameplay, it has different story, no trigens, it's based in Africa. Of course these are GREAT things, but I don't know why it's still called Far Cry. :rolleyes: EVERYTHING has been changed.
This is a lot better than I expected it to be. I'm glad they're finally adding in more wilderness and survival elements such as healing your own wounds, orienteering, weather truly affecting gameplay, etc. This game is a much larger step forward for FPS games than Crysis is.
I'm saying that again. in one video is surpassed everything Crysis showed..(for me)
and the funny thing is, it's ****ing pre-alpha..
its me or the light effects and the rest looked awsome?
It's not you. It's true, everything looks awesome.
This is why Ubisoft is one of my favorite Developer/Publisher. They actually put time and effort into what they sell, rather than rehash older games for quick profit.
Acutely they made some pretty crappy PC ports in the past.

Ports aren't a rehash. A rehash is taking an older game ( such as sport or racing), adding a couple new features, and releasing it again. All of Ubisoft's main game series' (Price of Persia, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon) were all solid releases for the platforms that included them. The games themselves were each unique enough to justify buying them.