Far Cry 2


Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
OK, so at first I was little skeptical about this game. It just sounded like another one of those games that claims to be "open world", blah blah blah, and seemed to focus on graphics rather than story or gameplay.
Lately, though, I've been a bit tickled by some of the videos.


I honestly think it looks pretty cool. It's probably not going to be GOTY, but I don't think it will be bad, either.
The whole IED thing with the makeshift triggering mechanism on the mortal shell kinda sold it for me. :smoking:

Anyway, what do you guys think?
I really enjoyed FC1, so I'm biased, and perhaps according to some...insane. But I'll definitely be getting this one.
I really enjoyed FC1, so I'm biased, and perhaps according to some...insane. But I'll definitely be getting this one.

Just so you know, this game has nothing to do with Far Cry 1.
No tropical island, no Jack Carver, no trigents, no monkey experiments.
They're just using the name, from what I can tell. In one of the interviews, one of the developers even claimed that "it has nothing to do with Far Cry". I'm assuming they're just using it for marketing purposes.

All that aside, I'm still looking forward to it. I'm predicting it gets a metacritic score of about a 65 or a 70.
What the hell, it says I'm not eligible to view the vid.

did the same thing with me even though I entered my correct age(25), instead of clicking on the play button just click on the video outside, that worked for me and by passed the whole age thing for some reason.
Just so you know, this game has nothing to do with Far Cry 1.
No tropical island, no Jack Carver, no trigents, no monkey experiments.
They're just using the name, from what I can tell. In one of the interviews, one of the developers even claimed that "it has nothing to do with Far Cry". I'm assuming they're just using it for marketing purposes.

All that aside, I'm still looking forward to it. I'm predicting it gets a metacritic score of about a 65 or a 70.

Yeah, I've been keeping up with this one. While I enjoyed the transition in FC1 from normal life to sci-fi, towards the end of the game I couldn't stand it anymore. I thought the level where you're on catwalks above the jungle with the trigens going crazy down below was pretty cool. Giant dudes with rocket launcher arms... not so much.

The aspects from FC1 making the transition to FC2 that interest me the most are the sandboxy multiple ways to approach the same situation and the relatively robust sound/alert meter. I think the setting and lack of monsters for FC2 will be great.
I thought the level where you're on catwalks above the jungle with the trigens going crazy down below was pretty cool.

The treehouse level... yeah... that was damn cool, best trigen level I think.

Anyway, Far Cry 2 looks awesome and I'm really looking forward to it :D
I was surprised at how much fun it looked. Demo would be nice.
Eh, everything looks so awkward. I'm not really impressed, but will play a demo when it's released.
if that's the case, this game will be better than the first

Quite possibly :LOL:

CyberPitz said:
Eh, everything looks so awkward. I'm not really impressed, but will play a demo when it's released.

I seriously doubt there's going to be a demo; open world games tend to be that way, because that's their nature.
There's no demo for STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl or Oblivion, and I think I heard somewhere that Fallout 3 will be demo-less as well. Same with STALKER: Clear Sky.
I guess they could break the mold, but I'm not holding my breath.
This game looks completely faptastic.
Then I'll just dl it and play it. Hopefully it's better than it's looking to be, for me.
It seems weird because I don't really have faith in Ubisoft, but faith in the Far Cry franchise because of Crytek's experience and development with Far Cry 1. I really hope that Ubisoft playtested this enough.
Look very awesome. Looks very visually demanding though, hope my 8600GT can handle the heat, but I'm planning to upgrade anyway, depending on how I do for my exams. *crosses fingers and hopes for the best*
It looks pretty cool actually, particularly the setting.

I just want the opportunity to be decked out in khaki and drive a jeep around the bush with a bunch of African rebels running behind me screaming bloody murder while I do a back flip over a herd of zebras.
That's very nice, shoot down an enemy just to trap him and his friend when he comes on over to rescue him. Using ammo crates as explosives is cool and all but, it be cooler if you could take a C4 and trap it into an ammo crate so when enemies open them up for ammo it'll blow em up... more stealthy approach.
From the wiki:
* The gameplay area will be around 50 km2.
So it's roughly 20% larger than Oblivion.............:)

* The protagonist of previous Far Cry games, Jack Carver, will not be featured in this game. When Ubisoft interviewed players about the original Far Cry in their research for this game, the interviewees didn't find the character very memorable or likeable.[2]

* As a result, in the sequel the player will be able to choose from around Nine different characters to play, each with a unique look and back story.
*All of the playable characters will be different types of mercenaries.
Hopefully we get a Danny Archer-type character. Blood Diamond was a great movie.

* The goal of the player's character will be to find and assassinate "The Jackal"[2], an arms dealer that has been selling weapons to both sides of the conflict that's tearing apart a small fictional African country.[3]
As long as it doesn't involve crap like aliens and trigens, I will be happy.

* The game will be much more realistic with features such as the player having to use a map and compass to get around, and more life or death related features such as having to use tools to dig bullets out of the body and pat themselves down when on fire.

* Several species of African wildlife can be encountered in the game, and will be able to distract the enemy as well as make them aware of your presence.[7]
Hoping for a zebra herd to hide in.
You know it'd be pretty awesome if you could scare-drive a herd of buffaloes or gazelle into a rebel camp, like how they did it in..well in..Lion King 1. That would be epic. I'm hoping for some carnivorous animals as well. How awesome would it be when you're inside the jungle alone, and you hear the roar of a tiger, and it chases you , epic.
Looks cool, but i whould have hoped for more destructable buldings.
I think Redfaction will have this beat.