Far Cry Addons

Already done that.

I have gotten the paraglider and humvee in the demo too.
Is this the pack with that HEMTT thing in it?

I wanna know if anyone actually installed that thing.
What's the difference between the buggy and the humvee? Besides the rocket launcher. And has anyone tried the forklift?
The HEMTT is a really big eight wheeled vehicle, not so good for travering the terrain of this rather small demo.

The Humvee is alot bigger and slower than the Buggy.

The only vehicle worth getting is the glider, now that is fun.
The terrain is blatantly heightmap-based. I wonder how hard it would be to hack it a bit and make some flat sections to play with vechicles?
FictiousWill said:
The terrain is blatantly heightmap-based. I wonder how hard it would be to hack it a bit and make some flat sections to play with vechicles?

Actually I think I heard some people proposing an idea like this in the farcry forums earlier (may have been some place else). Let me see if I can dig up the thread. I can't imagine it would be too hard actually.
Coo...whats night time like ?, can you enable rain !? :D
whats this add-on do?
i haven't downloaded it.. so let me know whats so impressive about it..
Baal said:
3rd person....ummm, something to make it nighttime, as well as an edit to make it so you can go all the way around the island.

it does those things...plus a tweak that starts you over the island with the paraglider, a tweak that lets you use the night vision, one that removes the AI's ability to react to you, one that replaces all the fish and birds with sharks you can attack, one that lets the bodies stay on the ground forever, and a gigantic list of console commands....not to mention a few other things i don't feel like typing
yes! the rain..that would be awesome. i'd love to see how the AI reacted to that. they might get all pansy and sit under shelter etc. i can't believe, i'm still playing this Far Cry demo and i'm getting new reactions from the AI no matter what i do, it's amazing. best AI ever.
the AI can also be really retarded though...lots of times i just run behind something and duck and they go "lost contact" and go back to standing around...then you sneak up an knife them.

lol...i know if i was shot at i wouldn't go back to standing around :\

they also don't take cover when you're sniping them from a distance...they just keep running around or trying to shoot you with their m4s...which are horribly inaccurate for the AI.

but i do agree that the AI is among the best ever...their ability to act in a group and call for help is pretty neat.
The .RAR I have contains these files

Folder: 3rd Person View
Folder: Boat Trip
Folder: HEMTT 18 Wheeler Vehicle
Folder: Glider and Humvee Mod
Folder: Make The Demo A Multiplayer
Folder: Max Healh, Ammo, All Weapons & Godmode
Folder: Nighttime Map
Console CMD.doc
Eternal Death/Body.doc
No AI.doc
Swimming and Attacking Sharks.doc
Tweak for the Glider.doc
Wow, the back of the island is so wicked!
The AI needs work when you throw rocks at them, i was right next to a guy, shot him in the foot, he turns, I throw one behind him and he says "What was that?!?!" and turns around. dumbas. aside from that its cool.
btw i cant get devmode to work, how do you do that?
hmm.. i downloaded the add-on and.. got some things to work..

the night effects, the sharks, the eight-wheeler (whatever the hell its called) and the glider did not work for me.. :x
Pauly said:
can u play multiplayer with it????

I was wondering that too...It says you can, but you need to know someones I.P...I want to try it over my network, but someone is on the other decent computer (When i say decent, i mean able to play a few games, i doubt it could handle Far Cry)
I don't know :( I'm to tired to think about it, so I'm going to go to bed and hope that by tommorow someone answers the question.
yea i cant get it to work....i extracted it to farcry demo

Please tell me you didn't extract the .rar file into Far Cry folder?
The only things i haven't got to work are the vehicles, but i suspecct i have just missed something. I havent tried multiplayer yet though...
anyone want to play multplater????? is it like coop mode???? COOL...lol.....i can set up a server i have a good cable connection...anyone want to join me??? 3 players coop ...hehehehehe
the multiplayer mode isnt coop, unless there is a second multi mod released. me and my clan set up a game on our server and were playin around together. was pretty fun but coop would be more fun heheh. and its kinda hard to find each other heheh.
So how the hell do you get it working?

I can get all the rest working..but how do you get multiplayer?
Baal said:
So how the hell do you get it working?

I can get all the rest working..but how do you get multiplayer?

***EDIT***: If it says the file is corrupt or something similar while trying to add them to the level.zip, then you must extract the files first, then add the 3 from the level folder from mpmod.zip, and rezip it.

Steps to get multiplayer working:

1. Take the Scripts folder from the mpmod.zip, and let it overwrite the one currently in your Far Cry Demo directory.

2. Take your level.pak in your Far Cry Demo/Levels/Fort directory, and rename it to level.zip, or extract it using WinZip/WinRAR. Then, add the three files from the level folder in the mpmod.zip into the level.zip. If you chose to extract the files, then add them to the folder you extracted them to, and then rezip it. Then rename the file back to level.pak, and put it back in your Far Cry Demo/Levels/Fort directory. (Overwriting the old one of course.)

3. Load up the demo. There should now be an option for Multiplayer. :D

Hope this helps. :thumbs:
Thanks, but I had already got it working :)

I guess I had it working before I even went to hockey..I just guess I didn't notice the Multiplayer option...or something.

I dunno, but when I loaded Far Cry multiplayer option was there.
Baal said:
Thanks, but I had already got it working :)

I guess I had it working before I even went to hockey..I just guess I didn't notice the Multiplayer option...or something.

I dunno, but when I loaded Far Cry multiplayer option was there.

No problem, glad you got it working. :D
I haven't tried the night thing... but I've gotten a few other things to work. The glider is kickass. I wish you could mix the hanglider with the boat trip one... Speaking of which... I saw a floating little table or something just rockin' out like 20 feet or so above the water when boating around the back of the island...I dunno if you all have seen it.. it's not that big a deal..but I thought it was weird to see this just chillin' out there...
we should get all hl2.net people on a server??? aynone up for some multiplayer mayhem...i am Message me on AIM or MSN and we can set it up....ill also help u get multiplayer workign