far cry better than doom 3 in term of gameplay ???

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone think that far cry is better than doom3 in term of gameplay ?? Also far cry got 9,4 on gamespot, but doom3 only has 8,5. After watching the review video and knowing that doom3 doesn't have co-op mode for multiplay, i feel a bit disappointed, should i still buy the game ???
I find Doom 3 to be a lot more fun and accessible than Far Cry. For all of the advanced AI and huge draw distances Far Cry wields, for me it just doesn't stand up to Doom 3's incredibly immersive atmopshere and frantic action.

In terms of gameplay design, they're both very different games. Far Cry is more of a tactical experience, while Doom 3 is more traditional. But I find Doom 3's immersive qualities beat the crap out of anything Far Cry has offered. :)
Hats of, Far Cry gave me a lot more variety and complexity in gameplay, although it did frustrate me at times. Doom 3 just gave me an average twich shooter in terms of gameplay, and I could have just reinstalled UT 2004 for that and had a great twich shooter.
I like both. Both keep things fresh but in different ways. Doom 3 is constantly offering new enemies to fight, while Far Cry is constantly providing different environments tot fight in. Both are excellent.

And Doom 3 is far from a twitch shooter.
I think that far cry is better. I think its graphics engine will have a better future than dooms. I like far crys atmoshpere more..and the fact that the physics played a greater roll.
I think doom 3 is better but far cry had its great moments also both very good games.
Far Cry.

Doom 3 was a corridor shoot-em-up (which I expected it to be,btw), but being able to climb a tall hill, or mountain in Far Cry and snipe most of the enemies in a base 2km away was amazing.
Doom 3. Because it's more solidly developed. I hated the acting and all that in FarCry too, turned me off the game completely. I was playing part in a storyline that I just couldn't care less about. The general character design in the game was crappy too. Gameplay was a little slow for me considering that you had to traverse large maps, getting from point a to b was a chore.
Doom3 is immersive, I'll give it that.

but it simply isn't FUN. It's same old same old all the way through.

Farcry, is brillient overall. Yes, the ending stank, yes the voiceacting was horrid.

but the missions? BLOODY FUN! I could spend an hour in one area, then save and load it again and try a different method. That game is a BLAST!
Far Cry was incredibly fun.
Pretty long.
I hope Doom III is just as long as Far Cry when I possibly get it tomorrow!
My local retailer will have it by then.

Anyways...what's a better game than Far Cry?
Quake II!
Wow! It was released 7 years ago and I still think it's a better game!
You know what? I'll make a thread about Quake II!
Far Cry offers more varied gameplay. There's combat up close and at a distance. Stealth plays a role,, and so does all out fighting. Vehicles are chucked in the the mix at some points.

Doom 3 is a generic, but highly polished, shooter. It doesn't offer anything new, if anything it's taken fighting a step back - run and gun against dumb AI. Not that there's anything wrong with this, though. Sometimes you just want a no brainer to play.

Which has better gameplay depends entirely on personal preference.
Far Cry's gameplay was pretty boring in my opinion. There was nothing in Far Cry that was really new or fun to me, and the storyline wasn't interesting at all.