Far Cry - Finished


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
I just finished Far Cry last night - utter crap ending I might add - but it has now brought up this statistical option when you go to load your campaign...anyone know what this is? I went to load one of the Statistical levels and it said it was going to overwrite my saved games....is it worth it?

Cheers in advance.
I think thats like..number of headshots etc...not sure. Try looking it up on teh mightee intarweb.
Well the story in general is utter crap, but the game is fun!

Oh and can anyone tell me why their boat got ****ed in the beginning of the game? I never understood that part...
Yeah the ending was very crap, the could have at least given us a long CG ending.
All that horribly grainy CGI was pointless. They could've done everything in ingame graphics, for a far better looking and more immersive potrayal of events.

So far the only game cutscene to impressive me recently was the Dawn of War intro :O

I'm not even sure why the Stat mode would require the elimination of your save games- it'd be much easier for it just to make a new user account, surely, if they're that bothered about you loading up halfway?
Meh, I uninstalled it soon after completion anyway...
Ya i didnt like the story at all. Game was really fun tho.
Frank said:
Oh and can anyone tell me why their boat got ****ed in the beginning of the game? I never understood that part...

I guess because they got to close to the island and were spotted by the mercenaries who didn't want any peepers around.

Standard story, but great game to play!