Far Cry Problems

Aug 1, 2003
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I was wondering if any other ATI users (or anybody in general) have been having problems running the Far Cry Demo. When ever I try to play there is either a severe graphics glitch that results in the game locking up or my computer restarts. Kind of reminds me of COD before the ATI patch came out.
Im running it fine.
Try 1024x768, use the auto detect for the settings at first and have the AA/AF off in control panel (app pref).
I'm running driver version 4.1, All high settings (advanced tab), 1024x768.
I've had issues trying to run it with AF on from ingame every once in awhile but it isn't every time.
I've had issues doing SS in 1280 or 1600 res. Closes out with an error.
Those are my only errors.
I just went back and set my scree res to 1024x768, decreased my AA to medium level, and set all of the advanced graphics options to medium. When I started the game all I got were a few pixelated images and a blue screen (not the blue screen of death, but an in-game blue screen). The game then quit on me and my VPU recovery reset my graphics drivers; just like COD.

Oh, do you think the fact that I have a 9700 might be affecting my performance? I doubt it.
My problem with the FarCry demo is that the Humvee and the shark aren't there. I know where they're supposed to be, but they just aren't. Judging by the posts on the UBI-forums I am certainly not the only one. Does anyone here have a solution for this problem?
well, i can't really tell if the AA is working or not (i could compare fps i guess) but i have the common ati AA problem if i turn application preference on, but it goes away if i set a hard AA in the ati control panel (2x, 4x, or 6x). i guess AF is "working" if i turn it on in the same manner b/c i get those weird shadows on my hands and npcs.

cat 4.1, barton 2500+, 9800pro aiw, 512mb corsair pc3200 ram, gigabyte 7n400pro2 (no OCing anywhere). when i get time, i'll compare FPSs and let y'all know.

edit: oh and i run the game at 1600x1200 everything on very high cept the texture filter which is stuck at medium :(
Glitches are the results of Anti aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering being enabled.
you need to turn both of them off (application preferenced) in your ATI control panel.
then enter the game and put Anti aliasing off ingame (video options) too.

this is a documented glitch on nearly all (apparently) radeon cards. its dev side not driver side, people who are re-installing drivers are waisting their time.

I play at 1280x1024 all options at "Very High" except that one that stays at Medium no matter what you do. I get around 40-50 fps. (pretty low for my system but a lot of people with similar systems have the same)
btw I have a radeon 9800 pro