FAR CRY, the marines like to pick on each other


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
lol driving along in the buggy, just coming up to the wooded area birds chirping.

and gun fire echoing through the air.. waaaa... not my gun.. out the buggy and start creeping through the grass... into tropic forest. gun fire getting louder :eek: I catch a glimpse of this one guy going AWOL, and opening a can O woopass on his Marine budy's.. LOL it was soo funny, forget realistic AI this is brilliant.. with them all dead I picked the last idiot off and made my way up the stone staircase....

I dont care if this happens in the final game... its so entertaining.. I guess one of them must of farted, and the AWOL guy didnt take too kindly too it :P
Far Cry's AI is brilliant, there were so many moments like that when i played the demo. i can't see how some people see it as being dumb...which version are you guys playing?
Dedalus said:
Far Cry's AI is brilliant, there were so many moments like that when i played the demo. i can't see how some people see it as being dumb...which version are you guys playing?

It's certainly not dumb, but it has it's good and bad moments. The teams co-ordinate well, they try to flank and all. But individual soldiers are sometimes just retards (running straight up to you and staring, just standing there while his buddy is shot, somestimes loosing you while you're standing behind a tree 3 meters in front of him, act as a sitting duck), but on the same time unrealistically good (i.e. accuracy, always knowing where you are, shooting through dense bushes and hitting you)
Especially the always knowing where you are cheating AI pisses me off. It doesn't always happen, and sometimes they really don't know where you are. But too often you pick one off with your M4A1 from a long long distance with a single shot, and suddenly a whole army runs up to your position, no way they could have detected you so quickly.
Whenever I approached enemies from a non-expected direction they were incredibly stupid. All I had to do was drive the boat up a way down the shore from them and sneak through the bushes to them. Then I could shoot them at my convience while they ran in circles and couldn't find me. This was on the hardest setting too.
There is a bug that when you hide in a bush the enemy sees but they don't do anything. It's just a bug.
Yep, it's bug. I've had them see me from behind rocks, when I pop my head up, and they are looking my way.

It's ****ing great AI tbh :)
I shot one guy in the face, he fell off the side of a ledge and landed at his buddies feet. His buddy kinda screamed, jumped back a few steps, and screamed again. The animation and the sound just made for a very believeable scenario. It was really neat to see them react so realistically to the death of a comrade like that. It just struck me as cool.
believable AI or not, its entertaining and makes for great fun,:). I dont think fantastic realisim would really add much too FAR CRY, it would just make the realists happy.:P