Fashion and Trends can......


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Suck my balls
LONDON ? The newest fashion among schoolgirls is getting knocked up, according to one pregnant 14-year-old whose four friends are also expecting.


Chances are though, she's just a twit.

Save the planet stop having children...

Yes I hate kids...
Forced abortions for underage children.
I know it's also stereotyping all pregnant underage girls, but a lot of them are chavs who don't know any better. So forced abortions can stem the flow of brain damaged chavs entering this world.
Ahhhh Fox News + Daily Mail. Clearly not sensationalist at all.

Bunch of twats.
Bullshit story from a bullshit source.
Have a baby, get a free house.

That's essentially how it is over here. You get shit tons of tax money the more kids you have. So just have a ton of them, treat them like shit, don't take care of em, and just rack in the dough.
That's essentially how it is over here. You get shit tons of tax money the more kids you have. So just have a ton of them, treat them like shit, don't take care of em, and just rack in the dough.
Not at all. Do you know anyone who lives purely off benifits?
god damnt, I blame TV for the reason these pre-teen kids are having sex. "desperate housewives" and the whole like...

when you're 13 you shouldn't be worrying about if she's gonna be late, jesus.
We're all gonna get laid! Seriously though, very disturbing.
that reminds my ex-step sister just got her baby,she's 16 lol
now my little sister is an aunt at 10 years old lawl.
Sucks to be the baby.

Not rly.

Once he's old enough to think, he can piss on his shirt or something, and tell the feds that his mom refused to wash his clothes or sommat.

Adoption + rich family = win.
That requires a child to be raised right and able to think. These girls cant even think for themselves, so all thats going to happen with their kids is that they will be dumb wastes of life.
is that true cuz dam if is true them british girls are like fvcked up in theyr heads
Hey, let's all go have some more underage, unprotected sex! Disgusting..
but honestly a fashion?

so there will be botles whit semen in the boutiques?
I wish I was cool in high school, so I could've started a trend of shooting stupid people.

We could start with a field trip to the nearest news station.