Fast Food & Other Businesses


Jan 19, 2004
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After watching Super-Size Me I'm glad I stopped eating McDonalds almost 2 years ago. I felt like puking when watching it and I still do.

This topic is not about if fast food is bad. Obviously when Hardees is rolling out a new Monster Burger that has over 1,400 calories it can't be that good.

This topic is about, what needs to be done? Should the companies who are advertising and selling the food be restricted? Should standards in food be improved? Do the parents and children need to be informed that if they do eat fast food they should monitor there intake and be sure to exercise? Should we blame the big companies or the parents? Does money need to be spent on diet pills?

What this thread is about is your view on what should be done. Views will vary from person to person and nation to nation.

My views well... I hear fat people complain about there weight and hows theres nothing they can do. Sometimes I just want to scream at these people. I believe that we don't need to be mad at the big food companies or implement new food standards. We live in a competitive society and it is the consumer that is suppose to figure out what businesses and products are best. The consumers choose to eat at these businesses, keep them in business, and keep them expanding. Furthormore many consumers choose to take there children and get them involved at an early age.

Simply what I believe has to be a push like the anti-drug commercials similar to Verb commercials. Simply a heavy push against fast food and other fatty foods. The other thing would be the definition of Calories, a measurment of energy, and Diet Products. Diet products use substances to block off our enzymes from breaking the product down. If we can't break the product down we get no Calories from it. If we don't get any Calories from it, why the hell would you be drinking it?

Another definite thing would be in schools. Fatty and Fast foods entering our school systems. There needs to be a definite push against this. One actually was mentioned in supersize me. This place is about an hour drive from my town. Appleton, Wisconsin. It is a public school that serves no meat but salads, fruits, vegetables, all fresh.
they already started getting rid of fatty food in schools. they dont sell any soda which is stupid since now they sell gatorade and fruit juice but both are full of sugar and carbohydrates. and many people get soda outside school.
supersize made me want mcdonalds. my favorite fast food place (in n' out) is relativily good for you, but its only on the west coast. they make their fries from potatoes in the store and dont use preservatives(i think) but the guy who did supersize me eats in n' out now
Don't restrict things.
Educate and have more excercise in schools.
Care to explain why?
Well in the movie it did discuss how lets say you didn't eat Mcdonalds all day how you kind of felt like shit and wanted it(If you normally ate McDonalds). I can definently tell that with my mom who eats there to much. It could be the same thing; me wanting to puke\feeling bad and him wanting Mcdonalds(old cravings kicking in perhaps?).
I had McDonald's yesterday, it was really tasty, Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Cole said:
Well in the movie it did discuss how lets say you didn't eat Mcdonalds all day how you kind of felt like shit and wanted it(If you normally ate McDonalds). I can definently tell that with my mom who eats there to much. It could be the same thing; me wanting to puke\feeling bad and him wanting Mcdonalds(old cravings kicking in perhaps?).

right after i watched supersize me i wanted mcdonalds but i generaly avoid it now, love jack in the box, in n' out, and carls jr tho

Ah, makes sense.
I saw that film! Some parts were pretty disgusting though. However, it got the point across.

I agree with most everything you said about nutrition and responsibility. I also think resturants should post all the nutritional information for every dish that they serve just so the consumer knows exactly what they're ingesting. This information should be with the menu or already on the table that you're seated at.

At this point, consumers haven't been very responsible despite the amount of information out there. I think the food industry needs to step in and regulate portion size. If something isn't done quickly then we're going to be putting out tons of money to take care of these grossly obese Americans in the future.

It should be a shared responsiblity between the consumer and the industry.
Educate and inform people. Then if they still want to go on lifelong fast-food diets, it's their fault. Like the great mammoths they are, these fatasses will eventually all die out. Probably from cholestrol issues. Man will once again breathe free and rest easy, for the fear of being crushed to death on your local subway or bus by the obese whalecakes shall be but a distant memory.

Eat up. Eat up, you bastards.
though chucking less soda-machines and fastfood-bars in schools might be a good idea... :p
I find it funny that a british guy tried the same thing with Kebabs (instead of McDonalds) and he was hospitalised within 3 days.. :LOL:
I hate mcdonalds... but I love all the other fast food joints.

Nothing is as satisfying as knowing you're eating something unhealthy. It tastes best when its unhealthy.
I was just reading the front page of and I found this article.

Health experts: Obesity pandemic looms
That just makes me so glad I changed my lifestyle around 2 years ago.

I also think resturants should post all the nutritional information for every dish that they serve just so the consumer knows exactly what they're ingesting. This information should be with the menu or already on the table that you're seated at.
Definently a good idea.
All this talk about McDonalds is making me hungry. :|
Ban advertising aimed at children.
Improve teaching on nutrition etc at schools.

Problem solved.
School menus should be left alone, if kids wanna eat shite all day and end up fat then that's fine by me.
Fast food is unhealthy for a reason, its not meant to be nutritional, its meant to be something you can eat on the go.
Restrict advertising... corporate profit loss....

D: D: D: D: D: D:

I am not in support of really telling these places what they should serve but I wish they had a little more self control. It amazes me how they can serve 1 breakfast plate (which really isn't that big) that contains over 1,200 calories. How the hell do you get that many calories into some eggs, bacon, and a couple pancakes? If they really wanted to change the way they cook their food they could and it would still taste very similar and be a lot healthier for you. I almost cry when I see a person that weights at least 400 pounds eating there. We as a country need to provide better education and better programs to help these people.

I myself stopped eating there long ago. But being young and living on your own I sometimes can't help but go out and buy fast food (wendys mostly) when I have the munchies and the fridge is empty.
School menus should be left alone, if kids wanna eat shite all day and end up fat then that's fine by me.
Fast food is unhealthy for a reason, its not meant to be nutritional, its meant to be something you can eat on the go.

You say that now but when these kids run into serious health problems in their 30s you will be left to pick up the bill for their treatment.
They should ban that Mc Donalds clown pedophile. He lures kids into eating his crap!
You say that now but when these kids run into serious health problems in their 30s you will be left to pick up the bill for their treatment.

Good point, I didnt think of that.

Damn NHS! :p
The answer to everything is to simply tax less healthy foods.

At least half of McD consumers are probably either people who want really, really, really inexpensive food, or it's parents who want an easy way to feed kid(s).

Taxes would force McDonalds to make healthy (and therefore cheap) foods in order to keep those customers coming in.

Then the tax money could go towards various health programs / fighting terrorism / whatever.
The answer to everything is to simply tax less healthy foods.

At least half of McD consumers are probably either people who want really, really, really inexpensive food, or it's parents who want an easy way to feed kid(s).

Taxes would force McDonalds to make healthy (and therefore cheap) foods in order to keep those customers coming in.

Then the tax money could go towards various health programs / fighting terrorism / whatever.

Since when is McD inexpensive? Don't know how it's there, but it's way, way overpriced here.

And taxing doesn't solve shit, people still smoke and drink here.
Donald's has like 2-dollar burgers. :p

People still drink and smoke, but less people do, and probably less frequently.
The point of taxes isn't to eliminate the problem. Only to make it less desirable and also get money in the process.

You can't simply ban hamburgers. You can only make them more difficult to obtain.

Also tax money at least goes towards the rest of society so that the people getting sick from these things are less of a burden.
You say that now but when these kids run into serious health problems in their 30s you will be left to pick up the bill for their treatment.
Forcing kids to have a single (insubstantial) healthy meal every day won't prevent that. Some people just won't take care of themselves.
Forcing kids to have a single (insubstantial) healthy meal every day won't prevent that. Some people just won't take care of themselves.
While the meal that is good for them wont do that much your at least slowing it down by not letting them eat something that is horrible for them.

Every little bit counts.

It's either small steps like that or a major step where we push the McDonalds and other companies to create even worse foods and kill there major customers as quick as people. Not exactly the greatest idea in the world though.

I guess the major problem and your point(I believe) still is exercise. People arn't doing it.
thats what happens when a society becomes information based when in the old days people did manual labor.
but you dont necesarily need to tax unhealthy food or regulate the food. supersize me made mcdonalds look bad so mcdonalds shaped up and started putting salad in ther menu, buying apples, and putting healthier food choices on the kids menu. many companies also pushed to get trans fat out of their food.
I am not in support of really telling these places what they should serve but I wish they had a little more self control. It amazes me how they can serve 1 breakfast plate (which really isn't that big) that contains over 1,200 calories. How the hell do you get that many calories into some eggs, bacon, and a couple pancakes? I

Do you even know what you just said? Look at the foods you listed, they are all high in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Adding bacon to anything will increase it's calorie count by 300 or so. Eggs are also very calorie intense; they have to be to provide nutrition to a growing bird-embryo. Pancakes with syrup are full of carbohydrates. I'm surprised it's not more. You do know that a home-cooked meal of bacon, eggs, cereal, OJ will also have close to 800 or so calories, if not more.

People that eat at McD or any fastfood place know they aren't getting a nutritional meal, they are getting something to eat, fast. It's as simple as that. Improve education about what happens to your body when you down shit like that and the problem will solve itself. Or do nothing and the problem will solve itself too (fat people dying).
Education will not help future generations because we can't educate oursleves and pass this knowledge on to our children.

What we need to do is nip this problem in the bud at a very early stage, either at birth or at conception. We need to find the "fast food" gene and alter it or put the fetus, embryo, child etc under 24/7 surveillance for it's own well being.

It's plain to see that parenting skills have declined over the decades so the state must take on the role of a father figure. Parents may disagree with this logic but at the end of the day we must produce whiter than white children.
theres no such thing as a fast food gene, people arent fat due to their genetics either, all it is is poor eating habits and when you see a fat parent and child that doesnt mean its genetic they just eat the same food. and the state shouldnt become a father figure
Well, I think genetics is partially to do with it.

For example I can eat loads of rubbish and junk, but in the end it just passes straight through me, so I remain thin and relatively healthy.

Some people just have to look at a cake, then they bloat up.
I've got a MEEEGAAAMETABOLISM. I can outeat Cthulhu and not put on a pound.

All going to change by 25, though.

One thing the USA could do is paradrop McDonalds food onto [insert country that Bush wants to destroy]. The people will eat it, get massively obese, and die out.

I should be president of the world.

-Angry Lawyer
Every little bit counts.
Sure, but in this case, I'm not sure it counts enough to justify the extra effort.

Perhaps if school health classes were actually about health rather than anti-drug propaganda. That would probably be more effective than forcing carrots and spinach down the kids' throats. "These are your arteries ===== . . . These are your arteries on McDonald's ~^#%!@"