Fat Dieters collapse floor at Weight Watchers cuz they're fat


May 5, 2004
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oh the delicious irony ..delicious honey covered irony with whipcream, chocolate sauce, rainbow sprinkles, and crushed peanuts ...also an extra large pizza, a bucket of jumbo wings, cheesesticks and a 2 litre bottle of diet coke

Weight Watchers clinic floor collapses under dieters

As the dieters queued to see how many pounds they had shed, the floor beneath them in the clinic in Växjö, in south-central Sweden, began to rumble, according to a report in The Local, Sweden's English-language newspaper.

"We suddenly heard a huge thud; we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air.

Luckily, all of the dieters escaped uninjured and managed to move the scales to the corridor, which was not damaged in the accident, and were able to complete their weekly weigh in.

ok this is not funny. the fat is that someone could have been seriously smothered to death under fleshy flabs of fat


The cause of the floor's collapse remains under investigation.

Building Inspector: "We have yet to determine whether structural damage was caused by too much fat on the premises"
Stern loves the fatties.

I think the fact that your "fatty news" isn't based in America and thus providing you perfect ridiculing opportunities is going to cause you to start overeating.
Yeah I bet you think that Texas.

But seriously this is hilarious.
Awesome for the self-esteem, I'm sure.
Yeah I bet you think that Texas.

But seriously this is hilarious.

You do realize Texas has the most cities on the "America's Fattest" list right?

So hell yeah, I find it hilarious. Especially because I'm physically incapable of getting fat.
My body works against me in every conceivable way to get fat.
I have enough fat for all of you. Lets solve each others problems.

Surgical knife?
We can't stop here, this is Fat country.

EDIT: Fat Coun-try makes me lol
I was thinking the same thing Ennui. "It's gotta be Stern hating on Americ---Sweden? I thought the only people there were supermodels!"

I guess Stern just hates everyone.
Who wants to bet one of those people reverted to eating large buckets of KFC after being traumatized....oh wait this isn't in the US??
I was thinking the same thing Ennui. "It's gotta be Stern hating on Americ---Sweden? I thought the only people there were supermodels!"

I guess Stern just hates everyone.

Don't say that. He still hates America. Right Stern ?
You do realize Texas has the most cities on the "America's Fattest" list right?

So hell yeah, I find it hilarious. Especially because I'm physically incapable of getting fat.

Yeah, that was my point. I guess I should have said, Texas, :hmph: you fat bastard. Anyways I was trying to make a joke.