Favorite Class?

These are the three classes that I play the most as:

  1. Soldier
  2. Sniper
  3. Heavy
These are my top three classes:

  1. The Engineer
  2. The Pyro
  3. The Spy

The Sniper could easily replace any one of those for me though, depending on the situation, since the introduction of the Huntsman.
I'm surprised nobody has said anything on how many times this thread has been made, but if that's fine with them, why not...

1. Spy
2. Sniper
3. Engie
This may be right, I haven't been able to play since before the scout update so Ican't remember perfectly.
1. Demoman

2. Soldier

3. Sniper

3 of the easiest classes by far.
1. Spy
2. Engineer
3. Sniper

Recently, though, I'm pretty sure it would be:
1. Spy
2. Scout
3. Pyro
Srs play:

1. Soldier
2. Scout
3. Soldier

Grief play:

1. Engie
2. Spy
3. Civilian Heavy
Pyro lul, Eejit is W+Mouse 1 nub.

Demo 100+ hours
Soldier or scout I guess.
According to hours played my top 3 would be:

Demo / Pyro
1. Pyro
2. Engie
3. Medic

I think. i love being a Pyro though, always was, always will be IRL and in the gaming world. Also I'm very close to 1million points of damage and all Pyro Achievements unlocked
You are both correct :)

1. Soldier
2. Sniper
3. Scout
All I play is Scout, nfi what the second and third most played are.
1 Heavy
2 Sniper
3 Medic

All classes are fun to play though, Valve did a great job on that.
I've never given a top 3 any thought. I pretty much like all classes equally much.

Although I like scout and demoman the least.