Favorite Dream

Apr 29, 2005
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Basicaly I want you to input your favorite dreams that arn't sex dreams, describe good.

Mine is fairly simple and funny, laugh at me if you wish

It starts in a snow scene, I have a small squad of men with me, all we have is the sig sauer from CS: S and thats it. Suddenly a MASSIVE group of men attack and we get massacred, I'm the only one left and I head to higher ground firing as I go and then I surrender, none the less they continue to fire then suddenly, Another troop comes and massacres the enemies, and he also has a sig sauer. My view jumps to him and I soon awake. I get back to sleep and I'm in a tent with Bush. I hear a noise and draw my gun and suddenly everyones like "mr president sir, mr president?" and I say "Quite you fools, somethings out side" I walk outside and my folks are there and we share a meal and I become some international hero.

Dont laugh at me just post on
Unfortunately, my favorite dreams usually occur during the daytime and are far too dirty to be posted here.
A had a lucid dream and I made myself have archangel type wings from diablo 2, made a volcanic scene, then put in about 40 crazy ass walking skeletons with falchions and bucklers. It looked better than the Matrix and the music was great. I ended up ditching the whole thing and went flying.

You know, apparently, the best thing to do if you find out you are dreaming is to quickly take control before you automatically wake up and just fly. It's the funnest thing in the world.
You dreamed about CS:S, what a nerd.

I dreamed that I was Gordon Freeman and I was boning Alyx.

You know, apparently, the best thing to do if you find out you are dreaming is to quickly take control before you automatically wake up and just fly. It's the funnest thing in the world.

My favourite dream is the one where I have sex.
WaterMelon34 said:
You know, apparently, the best thing to do if you find out you are dreaming is to quickly take control before you automatically wake up and just fly. It's the funnest thing in the world.

I will try that next time. :D
I often half-awaken during dreaming and get a semi-conscious input into them.. its hard to describe; but essentially, I can think and alter dreams intentionally.. sometimes.

EDIT: I have a reoccuring dream about waking up on an operating table.
It's hard to remember it now. Very.

I'm on a beach, and it was a circuis there. it was really dark and late outside. I look in the distance on a hill, and a scary looking house sits. I walk up into the house, and all the doors lock, the lights turn out, and I fall through a hole, and ...I dunno what happens, but I can't think about that dream without being frightened.

But the funny thing is, I had the dream again like 1 or 2 nights later. This time, I saw the house, and this little girl I was with was headed up it. I told her to stop, it was a trap! And I chased her into teh house, and the same thing happened, lights went out, and doors shut/locked. Ugh...I'mma have nightmares tonight.
I really don't have "good" dreams. Tame ones. Interesting. Lighthearted, perhaps. But not really good.

I guess I can say my coolest dream was when, after a long and elaborate story I won't get into, I got drugged by Antonio Banderas and then woke up. That was totally a "you're in the Matrix" kind of deal I felt upon awakening.
medic: quite = She is quite active. / quiet = Please be quiet.

bliink said:
I will try that next time. :D
I often half-awaken during dreaming and get a semi-conscious input into them.. its hard to describe; but essentially, I can think and alter dreams intentionally.. sometimes.

Exactly me too.
Thats cool.

Dreams can be better than reality of course. I usually have bad dreams or sex dreams I guess. well those are the only ones I remember. I guess they leave a big impact on me

Recently I had a good dream but was awaken by something and was disapointed for a second that my dream was interupted so i quickly tried to go back to sleep and remember what I was dreaming about so i could continue it--although it's never quite the same is it?

You have to fall back asleep really fast or you forget what you were dreaming about right? :)
VirusType2 said:
Exactly me too.
Thats cool.

Dreams can be better than reality of course. I usually have bad dreams or sex dreams I guess. well those are the only ones I remember. I guess they leave a big impact on me

Recently I had a good dream but was awaken by something and was disapointed for a second that my dream was interupted so i quickly tried to go back to sleep and remember what I was dreaming about so i could continue it.

You have to fall back asleep really fast or you forget what you were dreaming about right? :)
I usually forget my dreams a few hours after I have them unless I keep thinking of them. I wish I could remember alot of them...
I had a dream, and with alot of my other good dreams they're random.

Ok, so I was part of some random chemical group and we had a jar of the Y2K Bug (Which was blue wasps) I was looking at the jar and dropped it for no reason. So everyone was panicking and I stood there laughing with a fire hose firing it at people in the groin for no reason.

Then it was blurry, and I remember meeting the Oracle from The Matrix she said some stuff I can't remember and it did a flashback effect to a bunch of people with no skin or muscle on thier face and thier heads were floating above thier shoulders. They were wandering around aimlessly bumping into stop signs outside the primary (elementary) school I live close to.

Then I somehow went to hell, except it was a giant red bowling alley and the only down part was that whenever you lost a baseball would fly out of the alley and hit you and people would laugh.

So I decided to play, I got a gutterball and a baseball came flying towards me, so I ducked down and avoided it and Dolly Pardon(sp?) got hit in the chest by the ball. She was pissed off so everyone went to complain to Satan about it.

Then we were ready to approach him but a Satyr from WoW ran past us screaming into a yellow portal, we approached the portal but the Y2K bug came out! And a timer randomly appeared saying I have 2004 seconds to live, so I was jumping around dodging the bites of these things. If you got bitten you would change into a pile of flowers.

So people were turning into piles of flowers to the left and right of me and I found a friend I know in real life in all black clothing sitting down eating a box of french fries, I sat down and stared at him and he said "Ow, it feels like something bit me" with a wierd look on his face and turned into flowers.

I was the only one left and I got bitten with three seconds left, the music from when you die in MGS1 came on with that guy saying "Snake!? SNAAAAAAKEH!?"

But I just walked out of the pile going "Meh" and then I woke up.

I have more dreams if you want to know about them :|
Danimal said:
I had a dream, and with alot of my other good dreams they're random.

Ok, so I was part of some random chemical group and we had a jar of the Y2K Bug (Which was blue wasps) I was looking at the jar and dropped it for no reason. So everyone was panicking and I stood there laughing with a fire hose firing it at people in the groin for no reason.

Then it was blurry, and I remember meeting the Oracle from The Matrix she said some stuff I can't remember and it did a flashback effect to a bunch of people with no skin or muscle on thier face and thier heads were floating above thier shoulders. They were wandering around aimlessly bumping into stop signs outside the primary (elementary) school I live close to.

Then I somehow went to hell, except it was a giant red bowling alley and the only down part was that whenever you lost a baseball would fly out of the alley and hit you and people would laugh.

So I decided to play, I got a gutterball and a baseball came flying towards me, so I ducked down and avoided it and Dolly Pardon(sp?) got hit in the chest by the ball. She was pissed off so everyone went to complain to Satan about it.

Then we were ready to approach him but a Satyr from WoW ran past us screaming into a yellow portal, we approached the portal but the Y2K bug came out! And a timer randomly appeared saying I have 2004 seconds to live, so I was jumping around dodging the bites of these things. If you got bitten you would change into a pile of flowers.

So people were turning into piles of flowers to the left and right of me and I found a friend I know in real life in all black clothing sitting down eating a box of french fries, I sat down and stared at him and he said "Ow, it feels like something bit me" with a wierd look on his face and turned into flowers.

I was the only one left and I got bitten with three seconds left, the music from when you die in MGS1 came on with that guy saying "Snake!? SNAAAAAAKEH!?"

But I just walked out of the pile going "Meh" and then I woke up.

I have more dreams if you want to know about them :|


Afer playing FEAR for 4 hrs I had a dream that the little girl was following me around school, then I cornered her in a hallway and we shared a doobie

Yeah, I don't get it either....

Not really a favorite, just wierd.
I wish I'd have lucid dreams... But I'm too lazy to do those tricks to make it work.
It would have to be the extremely clear lucid dream i had that seemed to last about 5 hours in dream time and so much happened in it.

It was like a new life almost, after i woke up i felt really odd like my life was missing something, it was that involving.

Quite a few things happened in the dream, including ram raiding a supermarket with a black ford granada, having a massive battle and all sorts of crazy stuff ending up with everyone being dead.

EDIT: HAHAHAA i almost died with laughter at danimals dream, CRAZY!
bliink said:
I will try that next time. :D
I often half-awaken during dreaming and get a semi-conscious input into them.. its hard to describe; but essentially, I can think and alter dreams intentionally.. sometimes.

I get those! They're aweshens.

Also, when i'm just dosing off to sleep and i suddenly see myself falling (usually me jumping down a set of stairs...random) and i jump and i wake up >_< annoying but funny :D
Cant remember a good dream, i usually have bad dreams/nightmares. The one last night was horrible.
there was this dream i had once, i was in a an arabic city, Medina if i remember correctly, i was thinking to myself, what would heaven be like?, they say you'll get whatever you want in seconds, so i was walking up this hill while thinking about this, i went like, "i think i'm in heaven, let's try, i want this place to be like a europian one, not all the buildings and stuff, but the weather and views and..." you might think i'm joking, but i'm not. as i passed through the dust that flew in the wind, i found myself on the top of a green hill, having a VERY beautiful view to a lake and trees and...
it was wonderful.
Best way to set off a lucid dream is to question if you are in a dream continously throughout the day, when it becomes part of your daily routine to do this you will do it in dreams too, and in the dreams you will suddenly realise you are dreaming.

I don't bother with this because my mind usually works out i'm dreaming 1/2 through a dream, its a wierd "refreshing" feeling realising you are in a dream, it's kinda worrying what you do in the dream though, you are completely unhinged. You always have an annoying "time limit", you can feel yourself coming out of the dream and it becomes less satisfying and realistic until you are awake "COME ON DAMMIT, don't wake up i'm having fun"

Generally lucid parts of dreams last only about 20-30 seconds (although a lot can happen in that time) i have only ever had one which was longer than that, and thats the 5 hour long beast i described earlier on.

Call me sad but i try and do training in my dreams with rediculous weights/run at silly speeds, a technique called visulisation may actually be transfering some of this ability to real life via neural simulation.
short recoil said:
Best way to set off a lucid dream is to question if you are in a dream continously throughout the day, when it becomes part of your daily routine to do this you will do it in dreams too, and in the dreams you will suddenly realise you are dreaming.

I don't bother with this because my mind usually works out i'm dreaming 1/2 through a dream, its a wierd "refreshing" feeling realising you are in a dream, it's kinda worrying what you do in the dream though, you are completely unhinged. You always have an annoying "time limit", you can feel yourself coming out of the dream and it becomes less satisfying and realistic until you are awake "COME ON DAMMIT, don't wake up i'm having fun"

Generally lucid parts of dreams last only about 20-30 seconds (although a lot can happen in that time) i have only ever had one which was longer than that, and thats the 5 hour long beast i described earlier on.

Call me sad but i try and do training in my dreams with rediculous weights/run at silly speeds, a technique called visulisation may actually be transfering some of this ability to real life via neural simulation.

I wish I was you :(
short recoil said:
Best way to set off a lucid dream is to question if you are in a dream continously throughout the day, when it becomes part of your daily routine to do this you will do it in dreams too, and in the dreams you will suddenly realise you are dreaming.

I don't bother with this because my mind usually works out i'm dreaming 1/2 through a dream, its a wierd "refreshing" feeling realising you are in a dream, it's kinda worrying what you do in the dream though, you are completely unhinged. You always have an annoying "time limit", you can feel yourself coming out of the dream and it becomes less satisfying and realistic until you are awake "COME ON DAMMIT, don't wake up i'm having fun"

Generally lucid parts of dreams last only about 20-30 seconds (although a lot can happen in that time) i have only ever had one which was longer than that, and thats the 5 hour long beast i described earlier on.

Call me sad but i try and do training in my dreams with rediculous weights/run at silly speeds, a technique called visulisation may actually be transfering some of this ability to real life via neural simulation.
thats a great job at describing it. I get those wierd "i know im dreaming" dreams too

I had this nightmare where I thought it was real and I was searching for my sisters daughter and we couldn't find her and we heard a scream and went into this old old abandoned house with worn out wood and very overcast sky and it was nearing night time anyway we found her dead and I was so ****ing sad and I didn't wake up immediately so like for a while even after I eventually woke up and was crying it took me a good minute to realize it was only a nightmare and that she was alright.

It was so convincingly real, she was wearing this cool jeans I bought her back when I lived with my sister. but she was a life-less corpse. DISTURBING!!!!
I also have a bit of lucid control in my dreams. I often realize that I'm in a dream and as described above, a time limit seems to take effect. An annoying blur to waking up that keeps pushing itself ever so closer to making you wake up every time you seem to take more control.

I remember this week having a dream and just standing in a road, while people where walking past and cars driving by, just clearly thinking 'the realism in this dream is amazing, everything is so clear what must this mean?'

Lucid dreaming is a gift in it's self.
My favorite dream..flying on a pancake...mmmmmm...pancake....

dream431ca said:
My favorite dream..flying on a pancake...mmmmmm...pancake....

*Throws dream431ca back into his padded chamber*

Yesh. Lucid dreams ftw. I always go on a killing spree when I realize I'm dreaming :|
short recoil said:
EDIT: HAHAHAA i almost died with laughter at danimals dream, CRAZY!

You aren't resistant to laughter?

/me fires laughter gun at not-so-tall rebound

I had a dream where I was in spain/hot climate place, and this wall got torn down by tommy from ground force. He poked his head through and we both went out on a balcony overlooking the sea. It was cool there, but tommy went quite quickly, I stayed and looked at a seal.

I woke up, I was running 10 minutes late. Had I have gone with tommy, I probably wouldn't have been.

Not a favourite, just the most recent :p
There are dreams besides sex dreams? (Kidding...)


I just finished watching the matrix, and then I went to sleep, I was Neo (I was in my body tho) and I was in the lobby scene but I went even crazier with slow motion and guns and martial arts and stuff, There were more guys, I had more guns, It was insane..
WaterMelon34 said:
You know, apparently, the best thing to do if you find out you are dreaming is to quickly take control before you automatically wake up and just fly. It's the funnest thing in the world.

Oh, I hear that. That's incredible. And Short Recoil, I know exactly what you're talking about because I had the following dream once. My account here is essentially accurate to the original, but seen through the clouded lense of memory, looking back from the wrong side of consciousness. You know how you can't always remember details? Well, anyway:

1. I died. I don't know how and I don't know when and I don't know why - I don't think I did even in the dream - all I know/knew was that it was violent. My mum died too.

2. I went to heaven. It wasn't what I expected. If you imagine a Slough industrial estate, where every building is the warehouse from the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the whole thing is all twisted and ****ed up like an Escher painting so there's no up and down and everything twists into everything else, and all of this installed wholesale, as if pre-packaged, into a traditional vision of heaven with clouds and golden gates and everything. I seem to remember the Cloud had a number, so we might have been Cloud 457 or something.

3. I met my Mum. Basically, everybody seemed to be working all the time to move these crates around. Mum was telling me how crap it was, and how the crates were information about the world and how it worked - kind of like in a computer game, eerything is being generated by little packets of code moving around. Well, this was Earth's code, being shuffled and stored so that reality could function in the way it does. We were running the Earth, storing and transmitting its information. It was a boring job, and the whole thing was very oppressive. It was like slave labour. Every opportunity I had, I'd escape to a quiet corner of the 'facility' and fly around/bounce off the walls - we could do that, fly around and shit, even though we weren't allowed to. Alright, so basically this was a boring bit that I can't actually remember properly, but I recall confusing impressions of mixed boredom, paranoia, tiredness and the occasional bright burst of fun, flying and stuff like that. Kinda filling in gaps here.

4. Revelations. Heaven is a prison camp, run by an oppressive and brutal Theocracy with God at its helm, literally. The angels enforce it. We are all slaves. After death, we work forever in His labour camps, enforcing His will, maintaining His dominion. I was doomed to a literal eternity in this place. This bit I remember very well.

5. I met an ex-girlfriend of mine, from a very long time ago. At this point we were both 'adults', maybe about 20, and I was like 'hey', and she was like 'hey'. We ended talking about old life, I think, and how each of us had died. Though I don't remember what we said to eachother, we obviously hit it off because that was the start of an illicit love affair that would eventually change the very face of Reality. So, yeah, we had sex. While flying. That was awesome. I mean, think about having the most lucid and realistic flying dream you could possibly have, while at the same time having the most lucid and realistic sex dream you could possibly have.

6. So. Forbidden love under the brutal system. Unfortunately (or so we thought - it turned out to be fortunate) there's no contraception in Heaven which is apparently why she got pregnant. In fact, there's a major plot hole in my dream because I have no idea why the Angels wouldn't notice she was pregnant. Hmm. Well anyway, it was a boy. Wait a minute, how the **** did it get delivered? Bah! I don't remember anything between sex and 'wow I have a son' so...

7. We could never look after the child so we smuggled him to Earth somehow. The illicit affair continued. I loved that girl. I think I still do (real person). :naughty:

8. The Child Born In Heaven. Above everything else I remember that phrase from this dream. It wasn't just your average child. My son, born in a place no mortals are supposed to tread, was able to bend reality around him, fly and all that shit. I don't remember how it happened, but I remember this: he became the Saviour of humanity, the Messiah, the Chosen One, Second Coming, whatever you want to call it. And he incited humanity, on both heaven and earth, to rebellion against God. Rebellion! Revolution! My son! Epic! It was awesome.

9. The War Against God began. Humanity rose up to overthrow His brutal regime.

10. The dream ended. ****!

So I never know just how that war ended, or what the New World Order might have been like afterwards. But I'm confident my son won! :p

Beerdude26 said:
*Throws dream431ca back into his padded chamber*

Yesh. Lucid dreams ftw. I always go on a killing spree when I realize I'm dreaming :|

Have you ever been on a killing spree when you thought you were dreaming, but you were actually awake?
kirovman said:
Have you ever been on a killing spree when you thought you were dreaming, but you were actually awake?

Havent we all?
What about the other thousand?

Sure, it was told to the public that it was a terrorist attack, but we even had to crash a Jet into the WTC. :p
Hmm let's see... Any more dreams I remember?

Ah yes,

One I had a few days ago, mainly WoW influenced since i've been playing that non-stop.

I was with a friend I know in real life, and he had a matress that was like the hovercraft in HL2. We were driving around a snowy landscape going into caves killing elite turtles and grabbing the mushrooms behind them. During our trip we came across two Alliance, as usual we'd win and we continued on our trip. Suddenly there was a night elf town and gnomes were chasing us! D:

After the chase, my friend turns around, slaps me and says "You suck!" and drives off to leave me in the wilderness.

"I woke up severel hours later in a daze..."

I will post more if I remember them.

EDIT: Oh I remember one!

It was War of the Worlds style, but I forgot how it began. I was walking outside an airport and the sky and landscape was orange and green, there was a wierd version of DOG blowing massive bubbles onto the ground that appeared to be made of gum. People were running screaming and an orphan was standing next to one of the bubbles. Me and a friend were like "Noes D:!" and the bubble exploded on the kid, we were dragging him away and we came to the conclusion that he broke his arm at random.

I then went behind the airport to find the edge of the map :)|) and there was an apartment bulding, when I walked in it was the exact same as my loungeroom at home, and my family was there. So we talked about random crap and my mum shows me a card with a Jack of Hearts but more devilish, she calls it a "Blood Card" and placed it on her stomach, she said the blood would build up at that point and burn violently. She then took the card off several seconds later in a jolt of pain.

I then left and went into an office that got trashed with a friend of mine with ADD, we sat there for a few seconds of silence and I ask "Can I look at your blood card?" and I then placed it on my stomach. The wierdest feeling overcame me, it was solid and hot and got painful after about five seconds I gave out a whelp and threw it off in fear.

I then woke up.

EDIT2: Oh another one!

I was laying on the ground outside a staffroom at my school, and one of my friends was bending over looking at me with a grin, I stood up and asked "Where am I?" and he said "You're at the town cent0r d00d!" (Exact words.) so I then borrowed his mobile phone to call home, a deep bassy voice answered "Sup?" "Uhh... I think I have the wrong number" and hung up. I then went to a payphone that randomly sat in the middle of my school and did the same thing "Sup!?" "Sorry!"

A man crossed with Gene Simmons and that other Simmons guy (The fitness guy) came and sat me down, I said "I woke up here and I don't know what's going on!" and he felt all sorry but pulled out a bottle of water and started to wet me. So I ran off to rub the water off my face and two friends I know started to wet me with the same bottles! I grabbed a stick and stabbed my friend in the eye and ran to the front of my school (My school changed from a school to a two-story building made of glass with the McDonald's M on it.)

I then jumped, and did a double jump in the air, then a triple etc. and some hot chicks in a hippy van pulled off a massive highway that replaced the train center near my school. They came out saying "What are you doing?" and I said "Get the **** away from me people are trying to kill me!" and they ran away screaming except for one who got back in the van and did nothing.

Let's say it got a bit dirty for 10 minutes, I got back out of the van and it was a blurr, then I remember running through a forest with the other women from something.

I was then back outside my school and a bunch of chavs in a car tried to do a driveby but missed every shot! I got in the hippy van and decided to go home, I started to go down the highway but realised I was going to the other end of Australia, so I went back in like 5 seconds and went inside the buidling, people were eating McDonald's! And for some reason everyone was negro... So I yelled "Get the **** out people are coming to kill us!" and they panicked accordingly.

I then decided to walk home, it then got blurry again and I was outside my house, but where my house was it was cut off and space was sitting there with a cartoon version of Earth in the middle of it. I asked a random what happened and he said "Aliens took us and they're destroying Earth!" so I was doing a perfect Darth Vader "Noooo!" and saw the Earth explode.

I then woke up but still in my dream, it was an out of-body experience then on and a cartoon version of me with tentecles was splashing around in a bath tub. I then got out and said to my mother "It was just a dream! :D"

Then I woke up in real life, in a puddle of sweat.
favorite dream.. hmm.. some horny ones, but cant remember witch one of them is the best..