Favorite FireFox extensions


Jul 1, 2004
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I'd just like to know what everyone's favorite extensions are.

Mine are "Auto copy" (automatically copy highlighted text), Adblock ('nuff said), Forecast fox (displays a weather forecast for the next 3 days, with pictures and text to describe current conditions), and Foxytunes (control media players using a set of controls on the status bar, very handy)

How about everyone else? What do you all reccommend?
EDIT: Just realized that some of you may not know about these:

And one more extension: Tabbrowser Preferences: Alot more options for tabbed browsing.
Right now I have:

Chatzilla (don't use this too much)
FLST (focus last selected tab, very nice)
tabbrowser preferences (very nice)
bandwidth tester (hardly ever use it)
adblock (\o/)
ieview (comes in handy)
gmail notifier (not quite as usefull as it seems)
dictionarysearch (very usefull)
Translate (haven't had to use this one yet, but it seems like it'll come in handy)
i got ieview, adblock and gmail notifier, although the notifier has been displaced by the official gmail notifier in my task bar :)
I used Foxytunes and it didnt work, i probably didnt set it up right, but im not going back to that. athough i'd like to :p
Auto copy wow great idea, cheers didnt know about that. Firefox is gonna get a late xmas present. :D
Is there any way to change the way urls are stored in the address drop down thing...
IE puts the last used one on the top of the list... thats a lot more efficient than having to scroll to the bottom to get to the url you use most :-/
- BugMeNot
- Almost Full Screen
- Bandwith Tester
- D/L Manager Tweak
- All-in-One Gestures
- Paste and Go
- ieview
- ImageZoomer
- TabX
- miniT
- Tabbrowser Extensions

I haven't looked around for new ones lately, but we shall see.
Imagezoom(for educational purposes, honestly!)
Paste n go
Plain text links
Mouse gestures
Tabbrower Extentions
Superdrag n go
Allowright click

is what I have right now
Image Toolbar
Image Zoom (also for educational purposes only)
Open Link in
Tab Clicking Options
Disable Targets for Downloads
Show Image
Plain Text Links
SteamPowered Forums Menu
Halflife2.net Forums Menu
Deepest Sender
View Cookies
Tweak Network

I think thats all of em heh
spookymooky said:
All the useful ones, eh?

I can't tell you number of times I've needed to cook an egg, or the number of panic attacks avertedf by a simple extension.
Zerimski said:
I can't tell you number of times I've needed to cook an egg, or the number of panic attacks avertedf by a simple extension.

First of all, it's lovely to see you Zerimski. Thought I'd get that out of the way.

I use Adblock, Autocopy, IEview, and the Gmail notifier
What doesn eggon do, I mean it says on the page that it assists you in making the perfect egg, now is that an internet term I don't know?

(edit: wait i googled it.)
This all-in-one gestures program really grows on ya :-/
The goto bookmark #1/2 doesnt work though :-/
Any clue why?
i sthere any way to make firefox open all links in new tabs rather than windows ?
i have been looking but cant find anything
What Ikerous said. There's alot of settings in there, let's you make the perfect tabbed browsing experience.
All-in-One Gestures has gone too far. I tried to use it in Windows Explorer. :)
Here's my list:

Download Statusbar
Tabbrowser Extensions
Web Developer
fireFTP (never use it though)
RadialContext (far better than mouse gestures)
Super DragAndGo (lame name, nice extension)
Disable Targets For Downloads
I must not fear!
View Cookies
User Agent Switcher (for pwning "this site is IE-only"-detection)
Anyone know how Extensions affect the initial startup time for Firefox?

I only use:

Adblock (best thing since frozen pizza)
Download Sorter (disabled atm, but still)
Tab Prefs
SpiderZilla (just installed it, allows you to download entire sites, still figuring out how to make it work)

And I use Thunderbird and Sunbird, which integrate into Firefox, if that counts.
Anyone know how Extensions affect the initial startup time for Firefox?
Even with all my extensions (the list is growing), it still only takes 2 seconds to load.
PvtRyan said:
Anyone know how Extensions affect the initial startup time for Firefox?

I only use:

Adblock (best thing since frozen pizza)
Download Sorter (disabled atm, but still)
Tab Prefs
SpiderZilla (just installed it, allows you to download entire sites, still figuring out how to make it work)

And I use Thunderbird and Sunbird, which integrate into Firefox, if that counts.

Well, the .jar files in my plugin dir (C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profilename>), are 1.8mb right now, which shouldn't increase loading times much. I've never noticed a difference between a clean firefox and an extended one either. So I think it's safe to say the difference in loading time is small.

I should try that sunbird thingy, last time I checked it was a long time ago when it was still very early in development.
Tabbrowser Preferences
Show Image
Image Zoom
View Cookies
Disable Targets for Downloads

I love Firefox.