Favorite Half-Life Mod?

Sven Coop sucked, it was just mindless shooting at a mob with an incredible amount of HP, no real teamwork. Natural Selection was by far the best mod, tons of fun and tons of skill. There was also lots of teamwork in that game, but if you want to rambo you can always play as an alien.
natural-selection, action half-life, the wastes, dod 3.1, the specialists, more to come..
No one ever goes for the single player mods. I like

They Hunger Trilogy

Both of those where extremely good.
rofl, did anyone ever play the mod, The Ship, look extremely.... wierd. I dunno the mods just seems so outta place...
Science & Industry. Sven-Coop is good, but I never really appreciated the randomness of most of the content. Shame no one played S&I...
E r a d i c a t o r s
In order:

1. Natural Selection
needs no explanation

2. Sven Co-op
crazy fun times, fun and non-serious mod

3. The Specialists
bullet time, stunt deathmatch at its finest

4. Counter-Life
seriously. CS weapons + HL single player = <3

5. BrainBread
w00t, anti zombie co-op!

6. Science and Industry
great original mod, too bad no-one plays it anymore
what about The Specialists? that was brilliant.
oh and The Ship. Used to play that all the time.
Just demonstrating in text form exactly how OWNAGE Eradicators was.
Team Fortress Classic
If it a mod that did not go retail, it is The Specialists.
Counter-strike :)
Natural Selection
and yes... Counter-life did utterly own. :D
Counter-strike offcourse.
But if I had to chose one that did not go retail then it would have to be todesangst for singleplayer, and the ship for multiplayer.
Hehehe, I wonder what I will say :P

Sven Coop or The Specialists (2.0 beta, before they gayed it up)
Counterstrike - the mid to late beta phase. After it became good and before the cheaters.
Jangle said:
what about The Specialists? that was brilliant.
oh and The Ship. Used to play that all the time.
what was the ship about? was it like an rpg?