Favorite Movie Director?

Who's your favorite movie director?

  • Stanley Kubrick (Dr. Strangelove, 2001)

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Steven Spielberg (Indiana Jones, Schindler's List)

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • George Lucas (Star Wars, American Graffiti)

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings, Meet the Feebles)

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Francis Ford Coppola (Apocalypse Now, The Godfather)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Wes Anderson (Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums)

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • David Fincher (Fight Club, The Game)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects, X-Men 2)

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Quentin Tarintino (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill)

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Gangs of New York)

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry, I bet a left a bunch of people off the poll, feel free to post whomever you like. Personally, I'm a Kubrick fan.
ive seen all the DvD extras from the LOTR, and i must say peter jackson is an exceptional director. the way he directs his films is sublime, with not a stone out of place. Mind you, i havent seen any extras for the other directors, so they could be just as good... but still, LOTR is just so ****ing class :D

and yes, this should be in off topic.

and i know that the extras are kindof biast tawards the director... but they still give a good image of how good they are.
There are alot of directors who only had one good film.
kubrik for now, then scorsese and coppola probably. but i want to see what wes anderson comes up with in the future.. rushmore is one of my all time favorite movies.
kubrick all the way.

i like francis ford cappola and george lucas' work too.
I voted for Spielburg, but Mel Gibson is my favorite. Braveheart was the best movie ever made.
Steven Speilberg for me. Though Lucas, James Cameron, and Peter Jackson are also up there.
Probably Ridley Scott, Kubrick coming in a close second.

The primary reason I like Ridley Scott is that the Alien franchise is my favourite, and he's the one who started it all off. Also Alien and Blade Runner are two of my favourite movies.

Scott is such an excellent Sci-Fi director, but it's difficult to believe that he only directed two Sci-Fi movies! Both of which are considered to be his best work.

I would love to see him direct another one, perhaps Alien 5.
My favourites are:
Akira Kurosawa, George Lucas, Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg.
Akira Kurosawa probably had the most impact and inspiration towards Steven, George and Francis Ford Cappola.
i went with steven spielberg, because of my undying love of the indiana jones movies and the great directing he did on em, peter jackson is my second, LOTR was amazing and if u get the extended dvd's u really see how much work he put into the LOTR.
Mechagodzilla said:
I voted Kubrick, but you totally left out Ridley Scott

Ahhhhh! F*ck. You're right sorry. Should have put him on instead of Bryan Singer.

EDIT: Shit. Also left off Tim Burton. Why are polls only 10 options long?
Yeah he's pretty good. Awesome at suspense. But still, nothing beats "Schindlers List".
CrazyHarij said:
Where's M Night Shymalayan?

Nahh...not quite accomplished enough. I still wish I'd put Ridley Scott on the list instead of the Usual Suspects dude (Bryan Singer).
Paul Thomas Anderson

Hard Eight
Boogie Nights
Punch-Drunk Love

This director is amazing.
I picked Quentin Tarantino but my real favorite is Paul Thomas Anderson. He directed Magnolia, Boogie Nights, and Punch-Drunk love--three excellent films.

Holy shit, spazmatazz! what a coincidence. Have you seen Hard Eight? I've been wanting to, but I can't find it anywhere.
$pazmatazz said:
Paul Thomas Anderson

Hard Eight
Boogie Nights
Punch-Drunk Love

This director is amazing.

Whoa... didn't know those were all by the same dude... that's sweet. :)
Where's John Carpenter? Him and Peter Jackson. PJ was one of my fave directors long before LOTR... And a special mention for Sam Raimi's work on the Evil Dead trilogy. :)

where the hell is Tim Burton? He's the most original writer/director ever!
Spielberg...every movie I've seen of his has been awesome.

Catch me if you can
Minority Report
Lost World (Jurrasic Park)
Jurrasic Park

and many more

He has produced a lot of awesome movies too.

I didn't know he created the Medal of Honor series.

i love peter jackson
and not because of that LOTR tripe
im talking about braindead and bad taste :E
$pazmatazz said:
Paul Thomas Anderson

Hard Eight
Boogie Nights
Punch-Drunk Love

This director is amazing.

Boogie Nights is by far and away PT Anderson's best film. The others are sorta "meh" in my book.
Where's Hitchcock goddamnit?

Anyway, Bryan Singer... the Usual Suspects pwns
wayne white said:
by the way kurosawa is better than all of them put together.

Yeah...I didn't put Kurosawa on the poll because I thought that maybe not many people had watched his movies...but I guess you guys are a cultured bunch!
Kurosawa did Seven Samurai and that japanese version of macbeth didn't he? Good stuff.
Stanley Kubrick, of course. He's really creative, original and tries to make everything perfect. I chalenge anyone to name me a bad actor or extra in any of his movies.
I voted Kubrick but I am also a big fan of the Coen brothers. Their films always make me laugh.