Favorite Music Program


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Itunes, WMP, WMP Classic, etc..

Just wondering what was your favorite music program. What you like about the GUI and what you would improve on the GUI if you could.
Winamp, it's bloatware, but does the job.
Winamp. It does EVERYTHING I need! Makes playlists, lets me search, and I can add music. What more do you honestly need?
Media Player - hell it works ok for me!
I use iTunes for all the ways to sort and make playlists. Uses song ratings etc. And how it searches all the fields.
Did like Winamp, but iTunes wins now that I own an iPod. Alot easier to organise and manage my music library also.
iTunes, the interface is extremely simple and it integrates with the iPod the easiest.. Duh
wmp, although I'm trying to force myself to itunes cuz of lack of support on wmp for ipod.
These threads come up probably every few months....but that doesn't mean they aren't useful :)

I use iTunes mainly for music. I used to have winamp but i didn't like the lag when importing large folders. If you do alot of editing and such id recommend WMP classic as it can do alot of things WMP cant do.
Winamp has gotten progressively more and more horseshit, gotta use oldversion.com to find a half decent adware free version that doesn't beg me to register and has a full feature set.

Godamn them.

I use VLC and WMP respectively.
iTunes for music; though I use Winamp on occasion too. Hazar, I used QP for a few months and found it... lacking.

And, of course, like any self-respecting torrentwhore, I use VLC for all things video.
I use iTunes for music. I like how it's organized, and I have an iPod, so... On the subject of video, I use VLC.
I use Winamp most of the time if I want to listen to radio stations, but most of the time if I just want to listen to a certain song I will use Limewire considering I have over 150 songs on limewire.
iTunes for music; though I use Winamp on occasion too. Hazar, I used QP for a few months and found it... lacking.

And, of course, like any self-respecting torrentwhore, I use VLC for all things video.


but what didn't you like about it? :P
winamp. it really whips the llama's ass.

toss in a few thousand songs and put it on shuffle. what else do you want it to do? and then theres all the cool plugins.. like an alarm clock.. :O and skinzzzzzzz omg (i use default winamp skin :D )
Winamp for music, it does everything I need it to do, clearly and easily.
VLC for video, just because it plays everything, and is a no nonsense piece of software.
I used to use iTunes, but I've recently been using Windows Media Player 10. It's extremely robust yet easy to use with its fantastic interface.
Media Player Classic for videos. Hell, my 13k+ songs in winamp on shuffle..that's all that's needed!!!

I wanna know what love iiiissss
I want you to shoooww meeeee
More love for Media Player Classic for video please. As "no bullshit" as a video player can possibly get.
iTunes user here for a quite some time. It'll take a lot for another music program to win my heart.
Itunes. Can add songs to my iPod effortlessly, as well as purchase music quickly and easily. I can't ask for much more.
Last time I bought a CD other than NIN...

I've already had enough of P2P applications, and it's a lot easier to buy one song than an entire CD if you only want one song.
Hey, it's good enough for me. I'm sure there are ways to get music for free and with higher quality, but I don't really care enough about it to look for it.
WMP, cuz it's the prettiest. Otherwise, I stick to VLC for everything.