Favorite Propaganda Poster

Jun 24, 2004
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HL2 being strongly 1984 themed we need some good old propaganda going on, and what better way (beside proper beatings) than many posters.

The combine propaganda is really crappy, but the resistance posters are really good, I took screenshots of most that I could get, but this is my favorite.

Wondering what other people think :)


  • d1_town_040004.jpg
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It would be cool to see the start of the movie re-enacted in HL2.




The victory posters in 1984 were the best. Victory Gin lol
lazicsavo said:
HL2 being strongly 1984 themed we need some good old propaganda going on, and what better way (beside proper beatings) than many posters.

The combine propaganda is really crappy, but the resistance posters are really good, I took screenshots of most that I could get, but this is my favorite.

Wondering what other people think :)

I've seen that before, but what is it even supposed to mean?
georgeblunt said:
movie?? do yourself a favour and read the book.. *g*

I have the book, sorta... I have the audio book

Narrated by Frank Muller... in 1986. :D
CriYam said:
It would be cool to see the start of the movie re-enacted in HL2.




The victory posters in 1984 were the best. Victory Gin lol

Trust me, read the book instead, it is one hell of a lot better than the absolute crap movie.

p.s - what does the graffiti from the link in the first post mean? Sorry if it is really obvious, but it just hasn't struck me yet.
Anyone who says that Half Life 2 is like 1984 on anything other than a purely superficial level either:

A) Didn't appreciate the brilliance of Mr.Orwell's work

or B) Has been sent back from the future to try and change the course of mankind so that the machines may rule the Earth.
Mr.Wotsit said:
Anyone who says that Half Life 2 is like 1984 on anything other than a purely superficial level either:

A) Didn't appreciate the brilliance of Mr.Orwell's work

or B) Has been sent back from the future to try and change the course of mankind so that the machines may rule the Earth.

It's quite obvious that Valve was heavily inspired by 1984. This is very apparent throughout the entire game. I don't think anyones saying that it is as good, just pointing out the strong themes Valve used from the book.

For the record, 1984 is one of my favorite novels.
well, there was one poster with a hand and a lambda symbol written on its palm with the word "born" on the bottom. Wonder what that one meant.
Mr.Wotsit said:
Anyone who says that Half Life 2 is like 1984 on anything other than a purely superficial level either:

A) Didn't appreciate the brilliance of Mr.Orwell's work

or B) Has been sent back from the future to try and change the course of mankind so that the machines may rule the Earth.

Mr. Wotsit, I do digress... it isn't like 1984 so much as it has elements from 1984, and elements from Dune, and many other things wrapped into one.

-Evil Robot Drone R66-Y Series
Max35 said:
well, there was one poster with a hand and a lambda symbol written on its palm with the word "born" on the bottom. Wonder what that one meant.

probally meaning there is life with the freedom of resistance

or that the resistance is born or something...i wondered too

but the other one showing the resistance fighter cradlling the child obviously means the resistance fighting for life and humanity in such desperate times
The word tag looks like "Caste" which is a hindu philosophy, according to a google search
duckmoose said:
That's not a resistance soldier, that's a Combine soldier.

yea right.. like a combine would cradle a human baby, the combine are an extermination force, who are tasked to kill humans.

the poster is a resistance fighter in a gas mask, u fool

duckmoose with posts like that u are only showing that u are n00b who doesnt understand a thing about hl.
Stonecat said:
The word tag looks like "Caste" which is a hindu philosophy, according to a google search

ok, not really a philosophy but more of a social structure thing

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001.


[Port., casta=basket], ranked groups based on heredity within rigid systems of social stratification, especially those that constitute Hindu India. Some scholars, in fact, deny that true caste systems are found outside India. The caste is a closed group whose members are severely restricted in their choice of occupation and degree of social participation. Marriage outside the caste is prohibited. Social status is determined by the caste of one’s birth and may only rarely be transcended. Certain religious minorities may voluntarily constitute a quasi-caste within a society, but they are less apt to be characterized by cultural distinctiveness than by their self-imposed social segregation. A specialized labor group may operate as a caste within a society otherwise free of such distinctions (e.g., the ironsmiths in parts of Africa). In general, caste functions to maintain the status quo in a society.
moggy said:
yea right.. like a combine would cradle a human baby, the combine are an extermination force, who are tasked to kill humans.

the poster is a resistance fighter in a gas mask, u fool

duckmoose with posts like that u are only showing that u are n00b who doesnt understand a thing about hl.

Easy there tiger, how do you explain the metal cylinders sticking out of his back, so far I haven't seen a resistance fighter with those going around.
lazicsavo said:
Easy there tiger, how do you explain the metal cylinders sticking out of his back, so far I haven't seen a resistance fighter with those going around.

probally a rogue combine who escaped augmentation but still resistance ofcourse
moggy said:
yea right.. like a combine would cradle a human baby, the combine are an extermination force, who are tasked to kill humans.

the poster is a resistance fighter in a gas mask, u fool

duckmoose with posts like that u are only showing that u are n00b who doesnt understand a thing about hl.

It is a shame that such a waste of effort was put in this post. It is a combine soldier, dumbass. Do you know about the half-caste Aboriginal children that were separated from thier family and friends by the white people to be cleansed of 'black blood'. The white people tried to force the Aboriginals to fit in. They told them "You will never be as good as the white people, we will teach you english and how to cook and clean so at least you will be accpeted into society". So maybe, just maybe the combine are doing the same thing.

Bah, what a waste of time teaching you. I could of given money to charity by now but Noooo I had to tell you that it is a combine soldier

Who is the 'n00b' now?


moggy said:
probally a rogue combine who escaped augmentation but still resistance ofcourse

Okay now how is that possible?
the born one is my favorite as well.

the resist ones are also pretty!
moggy said:
maybe u should consider it incase shepherd comes back.

Yeah, just leave it to Valve to make the story line as convoluted as possible. :cheers:
Just going a bit OT.

Regarding the number of posters here who have commented on the comparisons between HL2 and "1984", does anyone remember Apple's infamous 1984 Ad for the Macintosh? It can be downloaded here:


The Ad is brilliant!!! It's well worth getting the HiRez version even though a biggy D/L. Also, you'll need QT6.

Notice many individuals of the "brainwashed masses" seen marching and watching the screen are wearing Combine face-masks!
Yea, I like the born poster. I don't know why the combine don't just take the posters down.

The resist one is ok, I don't understand who is on that poster however, it reminds me of Father Grigori :|
I think this thread is a good idea. However, its getting quite hostile here. If the attitude isnt improved, then its closing time.
the combine cradleing the human race?

is that combine propaganda then? then why do u only see that one in resistance areas?

i seriously think u misunderstand the whole of hl2 nevermind hl
No, i dont misunderstand it. That child quite clearly has white eyes, and the person cradling it is wearing a gas mask.

The reason they would be "cradlign" the human race so to speak is the fact that breen thinks the combine is better for humanity, do you listen to whathe says on the screens? I think its you who is misunderstanding here i am afraid.

The whole backdrop to society bieng how it is because we are progressing through stages of evolution, as breen states in his Reproduction speech.

Seriosuly, your acting like an a$$ because people are disagreeing with you, grow up, just because somebodies idea's conflict with yours doesnt mean its wrong. And calling people a fool isnt mature either, just because they thnik something else.

Now lets get the discussion back on track before it is locked.
It's the Combine stealing humanity's children. same as Dr. Breen's water, which renders you impotent.
It's the Combine stealing humanity's children

Well thats a good idea, although maybe the child just represents humanity as a whole, due to the fact there arnt any children because of the suppression field
The whole backdrop to society bieng how it is because we are progressing through stages of evolution, as breen states in his Reproduction speech.

u do misunderstand if u misunderstood that.

breen probally hinks he can save humans in that way. but that is not evolution it is turning of people into slaves through bio-mechanics.

most of how he brags on his broadcasts about evolution is rubbish. he just wants eveyone to succumb to the combine who he can brainwash into doing so and all others who continue to live like humans are basically exterminated. look at the screens with the bodies piled up like holocaust.

they totally restrict human reproduction in order to make humans extinct and so i doubt they would cradle a baby. the only humans the combine are interested in are adult ones which the combine can coax into assimilation. after that they intend for the human ace to stagnate and die off.
most of how he brags on his broadcasts about evolution is rubbish. he just wants eveyone to succumb to the combine who he can brainwash into doing so and all others who continue to live like humans are basically exterminated. look at the screens with the bodies piled up like holocaust.

Exactly, most is a load of rubbish. But thats exactly my point, the cradling represents the propaganda etc. The posters are just like his speeches, they are meant to represent the combine doing good, when its quite clear they arnt.
Samon said:
Exactly, most is a load of rubbish. But thats exactly my point, the cradling represents the propaganda etc. The posters are just like his speeches, they are meant to represent the combine doing good, when its quite clear they arnt.

lol ha!

it is not a combine poster for a start. u dont see them in the cities u only see those in the resistance towns and BME. or in side allyes in the city. they are resistacne poster showing a mutilated human race, cradleing what little future has against such an inhosptable reality.

it is resistance graffiti anyway.

the combine use posters for thir propaganda and they are very distinct. with the combine icon and a "dove of peace" that is combine propaganda.
moggy, everyone disagrees with you, and it's quite obvious you are wrong.
I hate newbs that come in here flaming.

Anyway, I like the Dr. breen posters..they just look cool.
how can i be wrong?

the thing we are talking about here is the image of a human being cradled by some kind of resistance fighter/ escapee. and it is graffiti image so it cannt be combine propaganda. u are gravely wrong if u cannt tell the difference or what it is showing u.

and i am not newb i have played all half-lifes scince 1998. and paid great attention to it scince then.

i am not flamming either it is u who is doing that now
the thing we are talking about here is the image of a human being cradled by some kind of resistance fighter/ escapee. and it is graffiti image so it cannt be combine propaganda. u are gravely wrong if u cannt tell the difference or what it is showing u.
I think your interpretation of what is portrayed in the graffiti is completely wrong.
Don't like it? Suck it up.
and i am not newb i have played all half-lifes scince 1998. and paid great attention to it scince then.
#1: You just joined the website, therefore, you are a newb.
#2: You have no way of proving how long you've been playing the game. I don't think you are old enough to have played the original Half Life.
i am not flamming either it is u who is doing that now
the poster is a resistance fighter in a gas mask, u fool

duckmoose with posts like that u are only showing that u are n00b who doesnt understand a thing about hl.

EDIT: I hope moggy leaves before bliink has to close the thread :(
Calm down. We're telling what are our fave posters, the topic is not battling about what the CASTE grafitti means.

My favorite is.. hmm.. Prolly the Resistance's "RESIST." grafitti.
Caste cos it's so greatly done, really cool. I think it is some sort of horrible satire of the combine oppresion though, don't know for sure what it represents exactly with the combine soldier holding the baby, but it has to be made by a human coz combine don't use graffiti as moggy says, but it is not a human holding that baby though.