Favorite Song in Half-Life?


Feb 2, 2004
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What is your favorite song from any Half-Life game? I have always liked this one called "Space Ocean." I think it plays during Unforseen Consequences right after the resonance cascade in Half-Life. It also shows up in the radioactive underground section of Anticitizen One in Half-Life 2. It's really creepy and just awesome. It makes the zombies in the radioactive sludge seem genuinely scary and it almost makes me feel sorry for them.


This person has pretty much all songs from all HL games, so look through them, post your favorite and explain why it's your favorite.

i dont have one, i usually have the musi turned off.ill play the HL games agin with the sound on tommorow.
Military Precision (Think it was on during Residue Processing)
It was a very nice track.
The Credits track for Hl1 and the remix thereof in Hl2, and the Valve theme that plays when you see the giant cliff.
I like the title screen music on the Playstation version of Half-Life. Also the desert music and the track that plays as you're waiting to get teleported to Xen.
hard fought and you're not suppose to be here are good ones
Agree on Military Precision from HL1.

CP Violation and Hard Fought from HL2. I wish they continued to use that style of music in the Episodes instead of the guitarish techno, but that's a minor complaint.

Vortal Combat as my favourite but LG Orbifold, I think, feels like Half-Life more than any other song.
Nuclear Mission Jam is my favorite song. It's such a rush hearing the song; you're walking along, it's quiet, you turn the bend to face a group of marines and then this song explodes in your ears. It's like aural adrenaline, making you want to whip out your mp5 and rush into the fray without heed for health and armor and ammo consequences.
Nuclear Mission Jam is my favorite song. It's such a rush hearing the song; you're walking along, it's quiet, you turn the bend to face a group of marines and then this song explodes in your ears. It's like aural adrenaline, making you want to whip out your mp5 and rush into the fray without heed for health and armor and ammo consequences.

Yeah that's a good one. I used it in my episode for HL1, Operation Nova, just as you're about to fight some grunts for the first time.
What kind of hospital is this? Urban Flight was definitely my favorite chapter of Ep. 1.
I don't know what it's called, but I think it was in Half-Life and it was also played during the 'what you missed' video at the start of Episode Two.
The one that sounds like Natural Selection

Prospero01 or what ever.
It's actually from Prospero, but used in Half-Life.
I love the song "What kind of hospital is this?" from ep 1
Its one of the better mass shooting scene songs.
For those who dont listen to the music, it plays right after Alyx finds the shotgun in the hospital, and notes that "We didnt find any medical supplies..."
I'm a fan of the music that kicks in when the Vorts show up to go ape**** on the ant lions in EP2.
I don't know what it's called, but I think it was in Half-Life and it was also played during the 'what you missed' video at the start of Episode Two.

it's called HL1_song15.mp3 (from the Audiosurf OB soundtrack).
I just turned off the music while playing it
My mother bitch at me that was enough when hearing the shoting and screaming
Well, of course, we all know what everyone's favorite song from a Half-Life game is... :)
Where do you find the music? Im trying to extract it to winamp.
"LG Orbifold" is absolutely awesome, my favorite. "CP Violation" is tight also, I love the bass.
But i must note, while it's pretty far from my favorites, "Black Mesa Inbound" brings such a massive nostalgia... (it's the one that plays in hl1, the very beginning during the tram ride)
VLVX_song9 (HL2 Ep2).mp3

This song plays when you reach the toxic sludge after Alyx operates the sniperrifle. At this time Gordon's on his way to recover the new motorvehicle
My favorite song is in HL2 when you get trapped in between those two gates in the airboat, that song is awesome. I also like the one song when you are fighting off the all the ant lions in EP2. And then the song when you get the crossbow in EP2.

For the original, it's either Sirens in the Distance or Hard Technology Rock.
For HL2, it's either You're Not Supposed to be Here or CP Violation.
For Episode 2, it's either Vortal Combat or Sector Sweep. It's awesome when they come up on my mp3 player; the real world just kind of shifts as I get into the gaming mindset.