Favorite survivor chit-chat


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Something I heard that gave me some massive chuckles...

Frances: I'm not letting those God Damned Vampires bite me!

Bill: Their Zombies!

Frances: Oh....

Couldn't stop laughing at that one.
Zoey: Game over man! Game Over!

Bill: What the hell?

Lois: He he..

I was the only one who noticed it ever time, though.
Nothing can top Bill's laugh at inappropriate moments.
I think Zoey has the creepiest laugh. My friend was making her laugh like crazy before I knew you could do that, scared the shit out of me.
Francis: "I hate..." (Pretty much everything).

Francis: "Hey look on the bright side, if you die, im still handsome!"

Zoey: "I'm calling zombie bullshit on these guys, they arent allowed to be that fast"
No Mercy; Level 4 - Hospital
We were all in the elevator, and Bill says "We've been imune so far, but, well if I start to turn, promise you'll shoot me."
Frances: "What if just your beard starts to turn, can I shoot that?
Bill: "Speak of Francis, you're voice got all muffled from your head being so far up your ass!"
Bill: If I die don't let thos bastards eat me!

The only memorable one I heard before the demo ended.
On Death Toll, at the church, the guy was doing his usual thing, Zoey says "What a dick". He shouts "I heard that!" and rings the bell.
When we were running up a staircase Zoey said "Hey Bill, look it's your favourite, stairs"

I thought that was hilarious, it was kind of cruel too, because at the time...Bill was dead.
When we were running up a staircase Zoey said "Hey Bill, look it's your favourite, stairs"

I thought that was hilarious, it was kind of cruel too, because at the time...Bill was dead.

That's great :cheese:
When we were running up a staircase Zoey said "Hey Bill, look it's your favourite, stairs"

I thought that was hilarious, it was kind of cruel too, because at the time...Bill was dead.

That happened one time (without him being dead), and he grumbled, and then Louis said something like "It's good for ya' Bill, cardio!
When we were running up a staircase Zoey said "Hey Bill, look it's your favourite, stairs"

I thought that was hilarious, it was kind of cruel too, because at the time...Bill was dead.

I've never heard this, I always hear...

Francis: I HATE stairs....

Gives me lulz
I hear Francis complaining about how he hates all this shit one time, and eventually Bill says "Francis is there anything you don't hate?"
"I love vests."
My favorite survivor chit chat is when CyberPitz screams when a Hunter jumps on him. :p
Louis: "Zoey, Bill, when this is all over I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'm teaching your ass how to read"

Zoey: "Louis, you'd....look good in one of those hospital gowns."
I hear Francis complaining about how he hates all this shit one time, and eventually Bill says "Francis is there anything you don't hate?"
"I love vests."

Damn, he's flamboyant.
Sometimes if Francis contacts the rescue vehicle, he'll pretend that he's the "cops" and talk in a funny voice.
Heard a new one today in the saferoom between maps 1 and 2 of Death Toll, louis started giving a history lesson about the Riverside storm drains and francis told him to shutup.

Oh and..

Francis: "The sad thing is, This is only the second worst time ive had in an airport!"
They've got a few incredibly funny people working at Valve with the dialogue in L4D, TF2 and Portal.
Francis approaches a Deer crossing sign, "Ohh we better watch out there are Deer around."

Zoey approaches a airport car park, "Oooh no, short-term parking!"
7:23 AM - DigiQ8: Man
7:23 AM - DigiQ8: Left 4 Dead is so awesome
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: i know
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: playing with you is so fun
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: i wish you'd talk
7:24 AM - DigiQ8: I will if you want
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: Remember in bed
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: "I want you to scream more"
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: Yeah, do it.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: I'll jump on you like a hunter
7:25 AM - CyberPitz: I'll 'tounge' you like a smoker.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: ohh my dick is hard now
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: like a tank
7:25 AM - CyberPitz: I'll always chase you, like a Witch.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: lol
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: imagine when your dick gets hard you hear tank music with it
7:26 AM - CyberPitz: ....
7:26 AM - CyberPitz: I'm totally gonna jerk off to that shit
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: haha
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: BOM BOM BOM BAAM

Makes people want to get the Hunter off that much faster.
plus this:
7:23 AM - DigiQ8: Man
7:23 AM - DigiQ8: Left 4 Dead is so awesome
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: i know
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: playing with you is so fun
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: i wish you'd talk
7:24 AM - DigiQ8: I will if you want
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: Remember in bed
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: "I want you to scream more"
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: Yeah, do it.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: I'll jump on you like a hunter
7:25 AM - CyberPitz: I'll 'tounge' you like a smoker.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: ohh my dick is hard now
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: like a tank
7:25 AM - CyberPitz: I'll always chase you, like a Witch.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: lol
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: imagine when your dick gets hard you hear tank music with it
7:26 AM - CyberPitz: ....
7:26 AM - CyberPitz: I'm totally gonna jerk off to that shit
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: haha
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: BOM BOM BOM BAAM

plus this:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: MU-MU-MU-MULTILAUGH
Back on topic...

Zoey: (upon seeing wall graffiti) OH NO! THE ZOMBIES KILLED GOD! D:
Zoey: Alllmooost theeerreee

She's such a film geek :P
Death toll, 4th map, still in the safe room.

Louis: If we can get to the river we can find a boat.

Francis: That's better than my plan.

Bill: What is it?

Francis: I don't have one.

7:23 AM - DigiQ8: Man
7:23 AM - DigiQ8: Left 4 Dead is so awesome
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: i know
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: playing with you is so fun
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: i wish you'd talk
7:24 AM - DigiQ8: I will if you want
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: Remember in bed
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: "I want you to scream more"
7:24 AM - CyberPitz: Yeah, do it.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: I'll jump on you like a hunter
7:25 AM - CyberPitz: I'll 'tounge' you like a smoker.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: ohh my dick is hard now
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: like a tank
7:25 AM - CyberPitz: I'll always chase you, like a Witch.
7:25 AM - DigiQ8: lol
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: imagine when your dick gets hard you hear tank music with it
7:26 AM - CyberPitz: ....
7:26 AM - CyberPitz: I'm totally gonna jerk off to that shit
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: haha
7:26 AM - DigiQ8: BOM BOM BOM BAAM


No boomer? :(
Pitzy boomed all over Digi. It was a horrible sight... It was everywhere I looked... D:
We really thought that was a VERY special part of our love making sequence...so we kept it out.


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