Favorite Video Game Villian

Aug 29, 2003
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It's been rather dull in these forums lately, so I've kind of been looking for some games to pass the time. A good villian can often be the difference between a good game and a great game. Remember the grunts from the original Half-Life?

Anyways, my favorite villian would have to be the gigantic 100-foot tall "Ugh-Zan III" from Serious Sam: The First Encounter. When he came bursting through the villiage behind me while I was already fighting hordes upon hordes of other bad guys, I knew I was in trouble. That guy made for one of my most memorable gameplay experiences. You can see a picture in the attatchment below.

Anyways I was woundering what is your favorite villian/villians from a video game. And please post pics if you can.
Hmmm... Sephiroth in FFVII and Kingdom Hearts

Ruby Weapon in FFVII
Omega Weapon in FFVIII
G-Man...of course
Dr.Robotnik from Sonic

and many many more that I can't think of...
the g-man was actually a very good villian (non-fanboy)

other favorite villians are:

darth vader
aku (from samurai jack)
T-1000 (terminator 2)
agent smith (matrix)

yeah, definatly agent smith.
Gman...he was cool.

Uhhhh......Dunno what else really.

Stalin in Red Alet...in fact i lvoed those video clips they used.

Kane from Command and Conquer.

Not many games i have palyed have villains as such
The nautilus from Xenon 2 megablast.... (if you old enough to remember) :E
I liked Sonny Forelli from Vice City simply for the fact that he survived more then 2 seconds of my minigun :cheese:
the biggest and best villan of them all:


from the monkey Island series
Volkov from NOLF 1 & 2, man you gotta love those games.. Meh, just put up all the villains in those games and you've got a decent list. :cheese:
Definitely Pikachu. Damn you, you cute yellow demon baby!