Favourite award


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Mine's the expert medic badge- just got it- i had to get 40 kills in a round, after using the medic kit for 100hours overall. I thought id do it in a tank or chopper, but i did it on foot in Karkand, all with the L85A1- the greatest unlock of them all.
Got 119 score- it was an insane round :D Bit of a brag, but im stoked
i would have to say the vetern medic award, well that is the one that i am most proud of.

i had been playing sniper since the first game that i had played of BF2, and i had gotten to be really good at sniping so i keep playing it, turns out that i love the medic unlock even more than i love the M95. its just that when i did play medic it was for the USMC side so i kept dying and it turned my k:d ratio for the medic to terrible :( , but now im reserecting my k:d so that i can be elite at medic as well as the sniper!
Yeah, the medic unlock is probably the only non sniper gun that you can confidently take on snipers with. If they hit you, just duck around a corner and heal, and they cant, so you'll always win. I just find the L85A1 so good in close quarters (as good as the ak101), so with the scope and long range accuracy aswell, its unbeatable for me.
I'm most proud of getting the Veteran Sniper Combat badge.

15 shots, 15 kills, 0 deaths. Needless to say, it was a good round.
mine would be my veteren spec ops badge, after celebrating my feat i was quickly shot and killed by unfocused :P
My expert Explosive Ordinence badge is pretty sexy right now...that took alot of work to get too D:

My Expert Anti-Tank is right around the corner.
bryanf445 said:
mine would be my veteren spec ops badge, after celebrating my feat i was quickly shot and killed by unfocused :P

Hehe :thumbs:

CyberPitz said:
My expert Explosive Ordinence badge is pretty sexy right now...that took alot of work to get too D:

OK, so I'm proud of the fact that people find getting this one hard and I got it without meaning to get it. I was just playing with C4, rigging them on outposts to detonate when someone tries to cap them and suddenly: "You have been recommended for an award" Yay! :)
Unfocused said:
Hehe :thumbs:

OK, so I'm proud of the fact that people find getting this one hard and I got it without meaning to get it. I was just playing with C4, rigging them on outposts to detonate when someone tries to cap them and suddenly: "You have been recommended for an award" Yay! :)
I had to try hard, because I got it on a 16 player map with 24 players....I had to kill 1/2 their damn team to get that award :(
15357 said:
Bronze star.

I know, I suck.
That just means you were better than all but 2 of the players on the server. Any star is skill in my book.
CyberPitz said:
That just means you were better than all but 2 of the players on the server. Any star is skill in my book.

Well, at least I beat 30 people. :E

But the problem is, I don't seem to be able to get more points than 20 nowadays. And I bet you have some 10 Gold stars and stuff, while I have one bronze.... :|
I don't even have one bronze star, at one point I was leading on a server with like, 5 minutes left but I LAGGED OUT!!!!! I've finished highest in my team several times, but never in the top three overall :(
15357 said:
Well, at least I beat 30 people. :E

But the problem is, I don't seem to be able to get more points than 20 nowadays. And I bet you have some 10 Gold stars and stuff, while I have one bronze.... :|
Actually I have 100+ gold stars :P

Maybe I can teach ya a couple things ;P
Hmm, my four Veteran Badges are pretty sleek.
Veteran Medic Combat
Veteran Assault Combat
Veteran First Aid
Veteran Command

Fave is Vet Medic Combat, wasn't aiming to get it, just did :bounce:
how did you get vet first aid? Is it healing points or revives?
its' 10 heals

Hard to do at times because people are retards running around.
"I have 3 bars of health, and a medic is chasing me down throwing medpacks...OH LOOK AN ENEMY 500 yards away! *chase*

Evo said:
Hmm, my four Veteran Badges are pretty sleek.
Veteran Medic Combat
Veteran Assault Combat
Veteran First Aid
Veteran Command

Fave is Vet Medic Combat, wasn't aiming to get it, just did :bounce:
I like MY vet badges.../larger E-Penis

Engie Combat
Medic Heal
Support Combat
Special Ops combat
Anti Tank combat
medic combat
CyberPitz said:
its' 10 heals

Hard to do at times because people are retards running around.
"I have 3 bars of health, and a medic is chasing me down throwing medpacks...OH LOOK AN ENEMY 500 yards away! *chase*

this is soooo true. I also hate when im calling for a medic chasing him and he looks at me and continues to run away. *shakes fist