Favourite scene in HL2 (most likely spoilers)


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Favourite scene in HL2 everyone?

Personally there's just too many to choose from. There are some scenes early on in the game that really impressed me, and there were others that just made my eyes pop out.

I quite decide which one is my favourite so i've got two of them.

(Blah blah blah yada yada, ok that should cover it up)

Dog and the Combine tank....I mean....he's the coolest gaming robot ever, even though it was obviously scripted, and then the dropship he just rocks

And also

The ending. Yes it was abrupt, yes it did leave me hanging and wanting more, yes it was too short, but god-damn the first time i saw everything turn into slow-motion and see Gman appear out of thin-air it was unlike anything i'd ever seen in a game before. It was like something out of this trippy arthouse movie, and it was done with so much class and refinement i just couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. No one else could have done it better in my opinion. Except maybe Nintendo, but they just own the gaming world

What your favourite scene?
Agreed with all except the Nintendo part.:p There games are more aimed at a younger audience for my liking. Anyway...

Playing catch with dog.

When you first meet Barney, "About that beer I owe you."
My favorite part was..

Riding around in the airboat or buggy car.
Highway 17, when those 3 rollermines burst ouf of the floor in that house.
It was so Dawn of the Dead (or any zombie thingy) like
ending... definately the ending. it was perfectly, flawlessly done. i don't think anyone could've made a better ending. (if we look at it in an artistic way)
The whole ravenholm experience was awesome, they could make a complete game on that town! ;)
I loved the part where Klieners looking for Lamaar. Poor thing, doesn't really know what to do with itself anymore now that it can't zombiefy anything.

All the scenes with Dog, especially playing catch and when he drops the wall colum back down before Barney can finish his sentance. "And if you see Dr. Breen - tell him I said *CRASH* ou"

I also enjoyed the scene where you first meet Alyx, that was pretty good. Waking up to find bodies strewn about the place.

Finally stepping back into your suit. Oh yeah - IM BACK! I exclaimed.

When you're comming down the Elevator with mossman in Black Mesa East and see 2 Vortigaunts in the kitchen with chefs hats on.

As you come across in the cablecar to finally meet Father Gregori. His lines were well good. "They have become most... unrully" I just loved the way Jim French spoke that line.

And my last one, after the teleportation gets buggered by Lamaar you run outside to see the Citadel on full alert with all the scanners flying out with the sun glowing behind it, looked brilliant.
yeah the teleportation scene was wicked as well.
The ending. Absolute genius.

Barney taking off his mask

Bits of the prison level where Ant Lions would be attacking enemies all around you

When you have to hold that room in Entanglement so Alyx can get the teleport up. I remember panicking and just throwing the turrets down, but somehow I picked good enough positions and just managed to hold the enemies at bay. It felt like being in a movie.

Being trapped on a roof with 2 Striders pounding the shit out of me
The intro, so much atmosphere. Too bad you didn't have the oppurtunity "enjoy" the nazi atmosphere of this city a little more.

And yes, the ending. "... Time Mr Freeman? Is it that time again? It seems like you only just arrived.". I don't understand the criticism it's getting, endings where everything is wrapped up and explained suck. And then the "This is where I get off" just brilliant.

Everything with DOG..... and Barney

Alyx: "What cat?"

Father Gregori, that guy made my skin crawl, not in a way that he looked scary, but when you abandon him and he disappears in a sea of flames hysterically laughing and shooting zombies. Just very creepy, eerie. Very impressive character.

When you crawl into the vents leading to the Citadel, you see a dead body of someone who must have fallen in there when they Citadel tore a hole in the city. Then you see the MASSIVE Citadel. Definitely a moment of "Woah...."

I just wish Valve and spoiling idiots hadn't ruined so many scenes for me. Imagine the look on your face when you never saw a Strider before. Or if it wasn't spoiled to you that
when you entered the torture chamber it was Barney that came to save you.
The first Strider fight, the ending, fighting with Barney, control antlions, fight with resistance fighters. The list goes on.
I loved so much things from this game but the most impressive thing i heard was:
"Time Mr.Freeman? Is it really THAT time again?"

what a perfect line... i felt like my skin was crawling...

Very cool.

I also liked in the start that
Combines went after you from the 2 doors, i was so sure im dead, but then alyx came =] a very cool script.

When the metro knocked that can on the ground and told me to put it in the trash, it just shows you that you can deliver instructions of gameplay without taking out the gameplay part.

Half life 2 is a movie.
And a really good one.
I loved all the little clever ideas in the game, but I particularly liked
the part part when you first get your crowbar, and you zoom in on the combine tower and see hundreds of scanners pouring out! Very cool touch.
PvtRyan said:
when you entered the torture chamber it was Barney that came to save you.
believe me
i never saw/heard it before and it kicked me out of my chair :)))))
the BEST part was:

When you stand in the elevator in the end and Alyx says goodbye, and then the music starts. THATS the best part of the whole game :thumbs:
The introduction of Barney.
The introduction of Alyx, Dr. Kleiner, Lamaar, and re-introduction of the HEV Suit.
The scanners leaving the citadel.
Come here dog!
The final City17 part. You just feel that there's a real war going on around you. With my surround sound that part was amazing. Especially while fighting the 2 striders.
The ending is genious.

The atmosphere of Half-Life 2 is awesome and by far the best thing about the whole game. It feels like a movie, with great character interaction, graphics and sound. The fear in the faces of the citizens made me feel sorry for them, wanting to help them. It just feels so real.

Best game ever!
Guessing the all-time favourite is when you meet Alyx. After having run for a long time, when you get trapped and the stair collapse, you get knocked and think ''oh no(es), I'm screwed!'' you hear that voice, I just knew it was Alyx, then after she helped you up I walked around in the room. 6 Metropolices, all lying knocked out bent over boxes and whatnot. My god, that was amazing :)

These ones are nice aswell:

When the teleport goes haywire and you end up at Breen the 2nd time and he says something like:

''For the moment I saw him, I was all but certain [turns around and looks at you]... Gordon Freeman.''

The scanners leaving the citadel, looked like it was pieces of bricks flying down like a stream

The time when (during the razzia at early game) you ran towards stairs and two Combines lit their stunsticks and said ''Hey you'' or something... god that was nice

Just to pull a twist I'll give you the worst scene:

The ending. Not because it was bad (which I think it was) but when G-man appeared (and I knew the end had come, yet I felt surprised) and said ''Time. Is it really that time again?'' and I went ''Nooo! Just another hour! Not that time! GO AWAY!'' Hated that part so bad, shouldnt have rushed through the game in 2 days...
Favorite scenes:

"There was someone here! And I'm almost certain it was...Gordon Freeman..."

And pretty much the entire "Our Benefactors" level.

Plus the Gman rocks, as always. "It will all be made clear to you in the course of...well, I really can't say. In the mean time, this is where I get off."