Favourite Supervillains


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Supervillains strike back Muhahah :devil:. So which are your favorites.
Like Riomhaire, I'm not much of a comicbook fan either but I did watch quite a few animated adaptations, so anyway here are my favorites:

1 Joker
2 Lex Luthor
3 Juggernaut
4 Venom
5 Apocalypse
Joker is probably my fave for all time.
Wait... you're not supposed to know yet... *hides*

Probably the Joker. He's sooo freaky in the original Batman...
Freeza was the best villain in all 3 dragonball series. He didn't give a shit for anyone and he was just pure evil, it was awesome.


Then there's Vegeta..he started off as pure bad ass, then turned semi-good then turned even more bad ass then the beginning in this stage:

the man that shoot the mother of bambi
1. Darkseid.
"Had I known one human's death would pain you so I would've killed more. And kill more I shall." Darkseid's among the most evil villains there is; a conqueror of worlds, a tyrant, and a literal god. His ultimate goal is to gain the anti-life equation so that he can dominate and enslave the entire universe.

2. Blackheart
Son of Mephisto, Blackheart is an immensely powerful demon. He controls Hell. Blackheart's a corruptor; even though he could devastate others in a fight, he prefers to twist their minds and tempt them to do his evil works for him.

3. Mr. Freeze
"This is how I'll always remember you: surrounded by winter, forever young, forever beautiful. Rest well, my love; the monster who took you from me will soon learn that revenge is a dish best served cold."
I can quote that entire episode by heart, and can even do impersonations of the voices. :laugh: I love Mr. Freeze. He's such a tragic villain; he's really the victim in his re-origin (the animated series version), and even after he revives Nora she wants nothing to do with him, making him 'feel' even more cold and empty than he was, so he wants to make others feel the same.

4. Ra's al Ghul
Batman's most deadly foe. I have only one thing to say about Ra's: "Detective."

5. The Joker
Because really, what's the fun in killing someone if you can't do it with a smile? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I limited the list to only comic book supervillains. Had I thrown in cartoon supervillains the list would've looked a lot different...the guy in my avatar, Darkheart, probably would've been at the top of the list.

"Now where were we? Ah, yes - abject humiliation!"

****ing evil.
1) Two-Face <3 and also The Judge in the animated series. God I loved that idea. Them being the same person, see?


2) The Joker


With the lovely Harley-Quinn.

Also, this makes me lol:

3) Juggernaut


4) Carnage (> Venom)


5) Mandarin


EDIT: Darkside made me remember Blackheart. D: He can be number 6.
Dude, what about all the good things Hitler did? Time's man of the year, 1938!
3. Mr. Freeze
"This is how I'll always remember you: surrounded by winter, forever young, forever beautiful. Rest well, my love; the monster who took you from me will soon learn that revenge is a dish best served cold."
I can quote that entire episode by heart, and can even do impersonations of the voices. :laugh: I love Mr. Freeze. He's such a tragic villain; he's really the victim in his re-origin (the animated series version), and even after he revives Nora she wants nothing to do with him, making him 'feel' even more cold and empty than he was, so he wants to make others feel the same.

Would've said him... but I found him too... nice... to really be the best supervillain.

Would come 2nd or 3rd on my list.
That's one of the things that makes a great villain to me: complexity. Freeze IS a villain, but his motivation is such that it makes you root for the guy.

Megalomaniacs and dictators with superpowers might be at the top of my list for their sheer evil, but in my opinion Freeze is a better character than they are.
O'Brien, 1984 and Richard Grey, Fallout.
That's one of the things that makes a great villain to me: complexity. Freeze IS a villain, but his motivation is such that it makes you root for the guy.

Megalomaniacs and dictators with superpowers might be at the top of my list for their sheer evil, but in my opinion Freeze is a better character than they are.

Hitler was a painter. And apparently there was all sorts of personality behind him, but personally I'd never root for the guy.

Batman & Robin was actually the first Batman film I saw. Was awesome, but there were waay too many bad guys. Thought Mr Freeze was probably one of the better ones though.

I'd pick the Joker, however, not as a bad guy in general, just because of the way Jack Nicholson managed to pull it off. He actually made me sudder, make me hate him, and make me feel like he really was evil. There are so many millions of Bond Supervillians, and yet all of them I'm just like "oh, another bad dude".




It's down right creepy when you unexpectedly hear in episode 2, ".....Mr Freeeeman"
Druckles said:
Batman & Robin was actually the first Batman film I saw. Was awesome, but there were waay too many bad guys. Thought Mr Freeze was probably one of the better ones though.
Gah, you're basing your Mr. Freeze on the Batman and Robin movie?! D:

Watch this now, please: Heart of Ice

All new versions of Mr. Freeze, from movies to the current comics, are based off of THIS Mr. Freeze. He used to be a shitty villain with no motivation at all until they resurrected him for the cartoon series and gave him real depth. TAS has definitive versions of all the characters. Watch some of the Joker episodes too, if you get the chance.

Also, Hitler had all kinds of wonderful complexity, and there are certain things I admire about the man (nothing to do with the Jews or the Holocaust before anyone starts furiously clicking "Post Reply" to rage at me), but I wouldn't root for him either. Damn good villain, though. ;)
Gah, you're basing your Mr. Freeze on the Batman and Robin movie?! D:

Watch this now, please: Heart of Ice

All new versions of Mr. Freeze, from movies to the current comics, are based off of THIS Mr. Freeze. He used to be a shitty villain with no motivation at all until they resurrected him for the cartoon series and gave him real depth. TAS has definitive versions of all the characters. Watch some of the Joker episodes too, if you get the chance.

Also, Hitler had all kinds of wonderful complexity, and there are certain things I admire about the man (nothing to do with the Jews or the Holocaust before anyone starts furiously clicking "Post Reply" to rage at me), but I wouldn't root for him either. Damn good villain, though. ;)

Can't watch it. No Sound. Don't have internet at home :(. Would do otherwise.

And yes, I am basing Mr Freeze off the movie, being rather deprived as a child, I had little contact with comics or animated series.

I wouldn't ever say I admire Hitler, although I respect him in the way that I acknowledge his superiority and genius. Like all genii/geniuses, he had a "bad side", but it doesn't really stop him being a genius.
Although I do reckon he was fun to fight in Wolfenstein :p
holy shit completely forgot about cyberdemon