FBI Aged Bin Laden Image

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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You might have seen this a few days ago...where the FBI took Bin Laden's face and aged it to how he may look now.


Except the forensic artist working for the FBI just used google image search from a Spanish MP!

How sophisticated!
Mr Llamazares, 52, the former leader of the United Left coalition in parliament, said he could not believe it when he was first told about the similarity between himself and the new photo-fit of Bin Laden.

He said he soon realised that his forehead, hair and jaw-line had been "cut and pasted" from an old campaign photograph.

"I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist," he told a news conference.

"It's almost like out of a comedy if it didn't deal with matters as serious as Bin Laden and citizens' security."

The FBI claimed to have used "cutting edge" technology, but Mr Llamazares said it showed the "low level" of US intelligence services and could cause problems if he was wrongly identified as the Saudi.

"Bin Laden's safety is not threatened by this but mine certainly is," he said, adding that he was considering taking legal action.

Later, an FBI spokesman told the BBC that it was "aware of the similarities in hairline features of the age-progressed photograph of Osama Bin Laden, posted on the web yesterday, and that of an existing photograph of a Spanish public official".

"When producing age-progressed photographs, forensic artists typically select features from a database of stock reference photographs to create the new image."

"After a preliminary review, it appears that in this instance the forensic artist was unable to find suitable features among the reference photographs and obtained those features, in part, from a photograph he found on the internet."

BBC source
suddenly everyone is gay for Laden
Osama Bin Laden = Emmanuel Goldstein
So basically the FBI use the same cutting edge technology as a fourteen year old nerd?
Holy ****tards. How is he going to get a completely different nose, mouth, cheeks, eyes, ears, eyebrows? Un-****ing believable. Does anyone there have any credentials to be working there?

Your tax dollars...
Holy ****tards. How is he going to get a completely different nose, mouth, cheeks, eyes, eyebrows? Un-****ing believable. Does anyone there have any credentials to be working there?

Your tax dollars...
The picture in the middle is the projected image. He has the same nose, mouth cheeks, eyes and eyebrows in it. They just stole the other guy's hair and ears.
OHHHH, so the picture on the right is where the sources were taken from? I thought that was the final projection.

I retract my comment.
Maybe Bin Laden will shave his hair and face now.
Douche needs to trip in a cave somewhere breaking his leg and be devoured alive by insects.
What, nobody is going to look like that picture, ever. ****ing weird looking.
Bin Laden was a CIA agent called Tim Osman.
The hair is the most obvious giveaway... Look at how the patterns of white hairs match exactly.
What with the ENORMOUS LIPS and DROOPING, HEAVY LIDDED EYES, there's a spectre of caricature about the final image.
Looks like Bin Laden is trying to score some younger women with the shaved beard and clean style hair cut.
The ladies love it when I start singing sex bomb.

Edit: And my sex is on fire! They love it!!