FCC government official leaves to become Comcast lobbyist after approving merger.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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WASHINGTON — Four months after the Federal Communications Commission approved a hotly contested merger of Comcast and NBC Universal, one of the commissioners who voted for the deal said on Wednesday that she would soon join Comcast’s Washington lobbying office.

Meredith Attwell Baker, a former Commerce Department official who worked on telecommunications issues in George W. Bush’s administration, announced that she would leave the F.C.C. when her term expires at the end of June. At Comcast, she will serve as senior vice president for government affairs for NBC Universal, which Comcast acquired in January.

The announcement drew immediate criticism from some groups that had opposed the Comcast-NBC merger. They said the move was indicative of an ethically questionable revolving door between regulatory agencies and the companies they oversee.

I mean, we all know that the government is the lapdog of corporations, but they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

News just broke that FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker is leaving the FCC to become a lobbyist for Comcast – just four months after she voted to approve the Comcast-NBC merger. It's no wonder the American people are disgusted by Washington.

Rep. Darrell Issa, chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has raised concerns about alleged ethical violations at the FCC. He must immediately launch an investigation into Baker's seemingly clear conflict of interest. If we don't act now, business as usual in Washington will continue to undermine our media system and endanger our democracy.

Help us close the revolving door. Demand that Congress investigate Baker’s conflict of interest.

EDIT: Oh, I suppose this should have gone into the politics section...
EDIT: Oh, I suppose this should have gone into the politics section...
I disagree. Seeing as how this is directly relevant to American HL2.netters, I think making this corruption visible in this forum would be better. I don't think we have to give it the politic-forum treatment, thereby limiting the number of users who will see or respond to this.
Could someone explain this to me in American? I am dumb and don't understand this at all.
Could someone explain this to me in American? I am dumb and don't understand this at all.

This lady was part of the government committee that regulates communication services in the name of the public to keep it safe, secure, and fair, meaning it regulates companies like Comcast. The Comcast-NBC merger was a very hotly debated topic, which the vast majority of people in the public wanted to see be denied in the name of anti-monopoly ideals. This lady voted to approve it, and ultimately it was approved, much to Comcast's approval. Her announcing that she is leaving to be become a Comcast lobbyist is a blatant demonstration that she has had a conflict of interest the entire time, and has been using her position of authority to help Comcast from within the government. This is a huge breach of trust as far as citizens are concerned, and a major ethics violation.
God damn it! >_<! On the bright side this might stir up enough outrage that they revisit the decision.