FEAR: Elite dude's clothing.


Aug 11, 2005
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The guy you play as in FEAR, I was just curious as to what he's wearing on his torso because the sleeves look kind of like that of a sweater. I'm certain that nobody would suit him up for combat in a sweater, so I was just curious. What is it?

I guess any other apparel he has would be cool to know about as well. :rolling:
I havn't played the game... heh, should have mentioned that in the first post. I've just seen movies and screen shots.
It's a spiffy looking body armor suit then. It looks fairly flexible but is also thick and padded.
That's what I was guessing. Some sort of material that can resist damage, but at the same time is easy to move in. Neat.

What other stuff are those troops wearing? Kevlar vests and such?
I'm sure if you look into water that you can see your own reflection.
DannyC. said:
That's what I was guessing. Some sort of material that can resist damage, but at the same time is easy to move in. Neat.

What other stuff are those troops wearing? Kevlar vests and such?
Probably biosteel.
DannyC. said:
The guy you play as in FEAR, I was just curious as to what he's wearing on his torso because the sleeves look kind of like that of a sweater. I'm certain that nobody would suit him up for combat in a sweater, so I was just curious. What is it?

I guess any other apparel he has would be cool to know about as well. :rolling:

thats a sweater of the bear.. +15 strength.. duh
There's a 6 character requirement, so if someone posts something under that, they just write 6char so they can post
Freemanator89 said:
Ok I have to ask, what the hell does 6char mean? Is that some kind of exclusive thing that Clannies like to say?

It's actually the first time I've ever used it. :p

Yeah, there's a six character limit, as the person behind me said, so when someone simply wants to say "no" or "huh?" or something like that, they'll generally put 6char underneath it.

Now, can someone tell me what biosteel is? I'm interested.
From some quick googling, it looks like some sort of man made material that is supposed to be similar to a spiders web. As in, flexible yet very durable.

I may be wrong.
Ohh it's that stuff? I was learning about that on Discovery. You said you're not sure from Google, but I think I'll have a look.