Female Body Development (WARNING! Nudity)


Aug 1, 2003
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Hey, I have been working on the female body latly and I'm trying to develope my reaserch and development skills. I have been using loads of nakes female pictures to develope my work (basiclly I have been looking at artistic porn all day :p). It is going quite well. I'm very happy with my development so far. Here are some renders of its current status. I will keep you posted on how its going etc... Any type of c&c is very welcome, Thanks.


Yes legs could be a touch closer together, and the top of the breasts could also be closer together, and more round on the inside ( where they touch ) because its only really in women with boob-jobs where the top of the breats dont meet ( except for people with fairly small boobs) and i think your trying to go for the natural look. Good work though dude, now take a break and have a well worked for w*nk, i know id want one after looking at naked ladies all day :D
looking good ichi... are you going to be doing a character vtm at all? characters look extremely hard to model..

shes kinda chunky but if thats how shes gonna be then its great so far. looks good
Thanks for all the feedback. This may help you understand the kinda of look I'm going for. Please be mature about this and don't just think its porn. Its not porn and you can blatently tell the photos are taken with skill. Its art imo, so please be mature.

EDIT: Sorry, but thats too explicit.
Umm. Yeah... I don't really think the mods will approve of that...

But anyway. I also think the buttcheeks are too far appart.
Yeah, tighter butt please :eek: (maybe its just because I like tight butts)
Looking good so far..
Images like those might not be outright pornography but they are NOT suitable for Hl2.net. You have to remember we have kids surfing this site.

The model is pretty good but you need to define her spine bending abit more and I think her stomach is too perfectly rounded.
you gotta be kidding, that is a model for a game, and if that is potentially "harmful to a childs mind" then george w bush is a good president!
Just as long as people don't view it as porn and more like erotica. A good understanding of the female anatomy is no way a bad thing :p

Thanks for your views and I'm going to take some of them into acount. I will try and post another update tomorrow, or should I say today because its already 00:48 :O
he also has a warning, so it's the children's fault if they view it... it's lookin quite good so far, heh, shes a chunk! lol jk keep it up Ichi I also need to learn howot start doing characters, know of any good tutorials? also her chest doesn't seem right?
I don't understand the big deal about a naked body.

But yes, the model is looking good, wouldn't mind seeing a vtm so we could all learn a little something.
There was some huge res nude women he's been using for reference, CB edited them away.
And everyone misses THE BLOODY EDIT!


Last edited by ComradeBadger : Today at 12:18 AM.

He had two hi-res pictures of naked women (admittedly from a site promoting 'tasteful nudity' ) however, there were female genitalia visable, and that is not acceptable on this site, whether you wish it otherwise or not.
Censorship? Boo! Free the Springfield two!*

Anywho,the inside edge of the breasts in a bit blocky. I can't post any references to show what I mean, so you'll have to address that on your own. Also, the butt-seam is pretty sharp and angular.

*Just kidding! Don't ban meh! :p
Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the System!
oldfaq said:
he also has a warning, so it's the children's fault if they view it... it's lookin quite good so far, heh, shes a chunk! lol jk keep it up Ichi I also need to learn howot start doing characters, know of any good tutorials? also her chest doesn't seem right?

The best tutorial on charactermodeling i know is
Thats turning out to be a good model there IchI. You've come a long way from your first human models, nice work indeed :)
Hey, thanks for all your help.

I have another update, I have pritty much finished the legs except for some minor toach ups on the back of the legs and getting more change going into the foot. I also know that the feet are a little to big atm, I creased there size at the last minute not realising how big I actually made them :p I also need to add the bone joint on the side of your foot which sticks out quite a little.

Thanks again, here are the renders

NOTE: it is currently 1662 triangles, which isn't 1/2 bad at all to say how detailed it is.


to me she looks like she has a mans arse... needs to be rounder...
Some dodginess going on between the buttocks at the top, but other than that, it's excellent.
....I like big butts and I cannot lie
u other brotherz can't deny
when a girl walks in with a itty, bitty, waist
and a round thing in ur face u get sprung
I'm aiming for a more nature female, she will not be a britney spears or a pamala anderson. She will not have the best body in the world, but thats not my aim. I'm just trying to get an acurate female model with as little polgons as possible without losing too much detail :D
Why are you asking for it on halflife2.net? Go see a cosmetic surgeon.
I think you need to study the female skeleton a little to understand more of female anatomy.

I'll try and see if I can scan some extremely detailed and good drawings of some skeletons i've got in a book i bought, i'll check back with you later
The back seems to curve a little too much, like she is pregnant. The spine needs to have less of a slope in.

And I am talking about it from a side view.
hips look a little high, but maybe thats because ive been looking at REAL porn all day ;D. looking very good though.
The feet look perfectly fine to me, but the knees are a bit dodgy. It's like she's got kneepads on. Too protrusive and angular, I guess.

The breasts do look much better, but the dent at the top of her butt would be better off removed altogether.
Hey, I have another update. This one hasn't really developed that much. But I have started to toach up the whole model with little details. Its still only 1700 Triangles. Here are the shots:




Nipples... teheheh... :naughty:

Anyway, I think the shoulderblades come out of her back too much.